Chapter 22

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"Hey Aki, did you leave the day sauske did?" Sakura asked when we set down to rest in our shared room for the night.

"Yeah, we walked together for a little bit. Why?" I replied back and she sighed.

"Well, he was in love with you. I think you already know but yeah." She told me and my jaw dropped.

"Huhh?! Woah." I said back shocked and she laughed.

"It was kinda obvious. Anyway, I'm glad your gonna be back in the village soon, people haven't really been the same since you left." She explained and I chuckled.

"Well-wait, who hasn't been the same?" I asked.

"Um, mainly Lee, TenTen, Ketsu and especially Neji. They sent out a search party for Sasuke but he insisted they did one for you. In the end they didn't because you didn't want to be found." She finished.

"Jeez, I'm a bitch." I said before flopping back on the bed.

"Haha, night." She laid back too.

"Night." I yawned then soon fell asleep.

~ In the morning ~

"Please bring Gaara back!" The people of the village bowed as we set off with granny Chiyo.

"Yeah, bring back he Kazekage!"

"Save our village leader!" People called out and I grinned.

"Don't worry, we'll get him back!" I have them a closed eyes smile and I heard some boys whispering about how 'hot' I was.

Like dude stop, I'm about as hot as a fucking frozen potato in Antarctica.

"Let's head out." We began running, following the trail the akatuski had left. We saw another group of ninja running our way as we hit the forest.

I gasped and ran faster then I ever had. "Huh? Wait, AKI!" They yelled and I jumped on the Hyuga at full speed, making us both fall over.

"Nejiiiiiiii!" I hugged him tightly and he hugged back. When no one saw, I kissed him on the cheek. We both blushed but kept quiet.

"Aki, I missed you." He helped me to my feet and I just hugged Lee and TenTen tightly.

"I missed all of you so much." I finished while hugging Gai Sensei.

"AKI YOU BAKA!" I screamed as a large dog pushed me to the floor and slapped me with its paw.

"Wait, what the fuck? Ketsu?!" I looked closer and she rolled her eyes.


"Is this your transformation or not?" I questioned looking the size of her.

"Nope! I've been living with Kiba and akamaru all this time. Jeez, they make me train so hard ugh!" She explained as Lee helped me up.

"Anyway, I'm going back to the village because I don't think I want to come on this mission." Ketsu started back to the village and I nodded.

"Anyway, we can talk more about this when we retrieve Gaara." I stated and they nodded before we started running again.

~ Outside The Hideout ~

"Okay so here's the transmitters." Gai handed them out and Lee shouted down them, causing everyone to glare at him, I giggled then moved over to stand with Sakura and granny Chiyo.

"See you guys soon then." They all split up to take off the seal jutsu.

I sighed as I could just sense something  was wrong behind that rock. The justu was released and Sakura used her strength to break the Boulder.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now