Chapter 12

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I met back up with Ketsu after the writing exam. She had decided to stay outside before the exam started instead of coming with me because she was too lazy to sit through it.

"How'd it go?" She asked boredly and I rolled my eyes,

"It went good, I passed so it's time for the next part of the exam." I explained and she jumped on my head.

"Alright, this is the second part of the exams, the forest of death! If you can't survive this then what kind of ninja are ya hm?" Anko put her hands on her hips and looked at us all while smirking.

"The forest of death." Naruto stuck is butt out and mimicked her. She took out a kunai and flung it at him. He got a cut on his cheek and Anko appeared behind him.

"That kid will kill himself if he keeps acting like that." Ketsu muttered.

Naruto froze and Anko flinched slightly but not many people noticed when a woman with long black hair held Anko's kunai in their tongue. I mean how many fucking shivers ugh!

"I'm just returning your kunai to you." They said in a sickly voice. I narrowed my eyes.

Note, let's stay away from this creep. I thought and I saw sauske looking suspicious as well where as naruto just looked creeped out making me face palm.

"Arigato, now, back to the rules." Anko released naruto and headed back to the front. "You will be given a scroll, it will either be a heaven scroll or earth scroll." She held up two different scrolls and I nodded.

"You need both scrolls to pass the exam, there are a few rules. You must reach the tower which is located in the middle of the forest within 5 days, and under no circumstances what so ever, never open this scroll." She finished and then held up forms that were for our consent.

After getting a form I headed over to join my team. Neji, TenTen, Lee, and the rest of the others were there.

"I'm buzzin, I think we're all gonna do great!" I said while high fiving naruto.

"Stop enjoying this, it's the forest of DEATH! There's a reason many of the other ninja are scared!" Ketsu scollded me and I pouted.

"Aren't you too excited about this?" TenTen looked at me like I was a little crazy and I flashed a peace sign.

"Aw, is the little bitch hanging around with her so called 'friends'?" A sickly and oh so horribly familiar voice seethed from behind me. "And look, she has a mutt!"

Ketsu growled lowly and I petted her head to keep her from attacking them.

"You just can't get enough of talking to me can you?" I whipped around and smiled sweetly.

"Oh you wish! Anyway, I have a little, wager, for you." Tammy grinned deviously and Asada and Kirame exchanged a glance.

"I'm ever so excited to hear it." I rolled my eyes and she scoffed.

"Whatever, well, after the exams, If you survive that is, which I highly doubt. We're going back to the village, and your coming with us. I know your going to say no but I'm willing to give you a chance to redeem yourself. We will agree to tell your parents you were kidnapped and you can live how you used to, on one condition." She continued to explain this plan of hers, it was pointless coz I'm gonna deny it anyway.

"Go on sweet pea." I grinned sweetly and I could hear the murmuring of my friends.

"Heh, you need to quit being a ninja and do whatever we say, it's whether you agree to this or we tell your family your whereabouts and they will come for you themselves." She finished, holding a devious smile.

"Nah, I'm good." I said bluntly and grabbed both Naruto's and Sasuke's wrist.

"What?!" Kirame seethed and I tilted my head.

"If you'll excuse me but I have friends here and I'm okay with relying on them when I need to, I need to go get my scroll now, see you in there Tammy Chan." I smiled and dragged the two boys away.

"Your spilt personality never ceases to amaze me." The black dog on my head told me obviously and I sweat dropped.

"We'll protect you." I heard sauske tell me and naruto ruffled my hair.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna be hokage so they are up against a big match!" He grinned and I rolled my eyes as we entered the tent.

We got handed a heaven scroll and I winked to them. "Just cos I'm an angel!" I said, because I'm the height of maturity.

"You wish!" Ketsu retorted and I pouted.

"Angelic, but your a she demon." Sauske smirked and I slapped his shoulder.

"Shut it Uchiha." I snarled and he rolled his eyes.

We headed to a gate, we chose 12 because why the hell not?! "Let's kick ass!" Naruto punched the air and I smirked.

"Let's do it." Sasuke shrugged and the clank of metal chains hitting the ground signified that we could enter, and we took off into a sprint.

I relaxed as soon as the breeze hit my face while we ran from tree to tree, Ketsu running along beside us. We stopped a few times but kept running.

After 2 hours a sudden wave of harmonised sound rang through the air. I stopped and dropped down to the ground from the trees.

Sauske and naruto followed suit and I put my hands over my ears while making them do the same.

"A sound genjutsu." I muttered as a female who was fucking busty as hell with a curvy figure and red hair that, even in a high pony tail, trailed a meter on the floor, appeared from the trees.

She held two chopsticks in her hands and they glowed a faint blue while ringing, creating a almost irresistible sound.

"My my, what cute little ninjas we have here. Oh and look at the adorable puppy!" She cooed as two more ninja appeared. A male with a mask covering his whole face except his eyes and another male with a huge Raven at his side.

"Tch." I saw Ketsu burying her head between my lower leg to somehow stop the sound getting through.

"Let's dance cutie." The woman appeared behind me but I sensed her chakra and flung several senbons at her while jumping away.

"Like we want to dance with you." I smirked and she smiled.

"Just give us the scroll and we might let you live, wouldn't want to hurt a pretty little hair on your pretty little head now would we cutie?" She beamed at me sadistically and I cringed.

What's with this crazy chick!? I asked myself internally before we all got ready to fight.

"My name is Chinatsu Hakamada, this is Motoyasu Takudo and Ikemoto Tenshin, ninja of the sound village. Let's fight." She announced and whipped her chopsticks to the side making the sound turn dark and one of the males threw kunai at naruto who barely dodged and ran at him with a kunai himself.

"Sauske, get the other guy!" I called and the Uchiha nodded before headed towards the guy with the Raven.

"I think I'll have that dance now." I smirked and created hand signs for a water jutsu.

Akane: well hasn't it been a while?!
Sakura: why is Sasuke getting told what to do? And why is he using complements?! *smoke flys from her ears*
Akane: find your happy place Sakura Chan.
Sakura: my happy place is away from you!
Akane: then why did you agree to do this outro thing with me then? Sakura Chan?
Sakura: you tied a bandage round my eyes and mouth so I couldn't see or shout for help!
Akane: I may not own Naruto but I do own a black belt in karate. *smiles sweetly* Sakura Chan!
Sakura: stop it with the chan!

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