Filler Chapter~ Nami and Kiba

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"NARUTO!" I glared at the blond who ran down the streets with my jacket.

"It suits me Kiba!" He called back and I pounced on him, knocking the boy to the ground.

"Naruto." I growled and he let go of the jacket, running off somewhere.

"The fuck was that little show?" A voice asked with a obvious smirk. I looked up to see a girl my age leaning against a lamp post.

She had maroon hair and deep Amber eyes. She wore a short black kimono top, and grey bottoms. (Seriously guys, I have no idea how to describe them but these are her bottoms)

 (Seriously guys, I have no idea how to describe them but these are her bottoms)

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"Heh, the blondie stole my jacket, I chased him to get it back." I rubbed my neck sheepishly and she smirked.

"Oh, Inuzuka huh?" She as my red triangles under my eyes became visible.

"Yep!" I grinned and she smirked wider, chuckling.

"Hah!" She scoffed and I raised an eyebrow. She moved her fringe from her cheek and I saw the black diamond markings.

"Shironeko clan." I then smirked back. She was from a cat taming clan.

"That's right, the names Nami Shironeko, nice to know ya Inuzuka." She then walked away with one hand in her pocket and did a back hand wave to me.

"It's Kiba! Kiba Inuzuka!" I called after her and she turned around smirking again.

"Nice, Ki-Ba." She pronounced my name in two parts then ran again down the streets.

Man, she's mean, but why did I find her kinda hot? 'Shut up kiba!' I yelled to myself then quickly walked off to my clan household.


"Tsugumichi!" I called out to my cream Panther. That's right cream, cream with a pale pink tribal marking on his back. (Here's a picture!)

"What?! Stupid brat!" He growled lowly as he put his head up from his sleep

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"What?! Stupid brat!" He growled lowly as he put his head up from his sleep.

"Shut up!" I stamped on his tail and he didn't flinch.

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