Chapter 14

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"Ugh!" The guy who's name I had learned was Zaku, grunted at the senbon landed in his arm.

I quickly noticed his arms and covered my ears as a sound jutsu was made. "Fuck, why won't you wake up." I cursed and jumped away from an oncoming attack but it was a little too late.

"Argh!" I yelled while hitting a tree, hard. I coughed up more blood but got up and jumped to dodge shuriken been thrown at me by Dosu.

I landed in a crouch next to the two boys only to see sauske sitting up and looking around. When he looked at me his eyes widened and then he glared.

Jeez I must look like shit is that's his reaction. "Aki, who did this to you?" He growled and I sighed while pulling myself up.

"It's fine Sasuke." I assured but then put my hand out to steady myself.

"Who did this!?" He yelled louder and Zaku smirked.

"That'd be me and my team." He owned up and I rolled my eyes.

"No one cares." I mocked and he glared back at me.

"I care." Sasuke growled and black marking wound their way around his body. He stood up with a manic smirk and walked over to the other ninja.

"Sauske just stop, you need to rest." I told him but he didn't listen and jumped onto zakus back, pulling his arms and breaking them.

"I said stop!!" I shouted loudly throwing my arms out to the side. My hands began to glow a silver colour and large masses of cherry blossoms began to follow my movements.

My eyes widened as I struck my hand forward and they shot out, fully consuming the female ninja as she screamed. I brought my hands back and saw the state of her body.

Cuts and bruises were everywhere on her and she collapsed, knocked out.

I fell back and stared at my hands. "I-I did that to her?" I spoke out as she looked half dead.

"Your insane!" Zaku screached to both of me and sauske.

"Do not call her that!" A familiar voice yelled and I looked to see Lee, TenTen, Neji, Ino, Shikamaru and choji.

I smiled but continued to stare at the almost dead girl then back at my own hands.

"Aki! Are you okay?" TenTen rushed over to my side and I nodded.

"I did that to her, I almost killed someone but I don't even know how." I muttered.

"Try to do what you did last time, just to see how you did it." She told me and I nodded.

I concentrated my chakra to my hands and then threw them to the side. Again, the cherry blossoms appeared and followed my movements. I quickly drew my hands back and they disappeared.

"Wow!" TenTen said before we dodged some shuriken.

"Gomen!" Lee bowed but kicked Dosu again.

Ino did her mind transferring jutsu on Zaku but his arms were broken so it wasn't as effective as it could be.

Eventually they retreated while carrying the almost dead girl on their back.

By this time naruto had woken up and was staring at everyone in shock. "I'm gonna go collect water." I muttered while getting help from TenTen to stand up.

"I'll come with you." She said and I shook my head.

"It's fine, I need to think about a few things first anyway." I slowly bent down to pick up the bottles, ignoring the enormous pain I had, in basically every part of my body.

After walking a little way to where the water source was, I collapsed against a tree. My breathing became heavy and I could feel the fatigue slowly taking over as I forced myself to stay awake.

Eventually, I was completely consumed in blackness as I passed out.
My eyelids felt very heavy as I heaved
them open. I could feel myself being carried on someone's back. When I finally got my eyes open fully I could see the long brown hair of my crush.

Of all the things I could have done in that moment, I'm sure I did the thing to make this situation awkward, I nuzzled my head into his hair.

Of course he knew this and turned his head slightly to see me. "Aki, what are you doing?" He asked while I saw a slight tint of pink on his cheeks.

"I dunno, why are you carrying me? I'm on another team right now? You kidnapping me?" I rose an eyebrow and his cheeks flared up bright red.

"Well I-I insisted our team stays with you, until you recovered." He looked away fully and I blushed.

"Arigato, where are the others?" I asked as we stopped and he let me off his back, putting an arm round my waist to keep me up right.

"Sasuke passed out from over exertion and naruto fell asleep and we can't seem to wake him up. Lee and TenTen fell asleep also." He explained while I looked and saw that Lee and TenTen were at one end of the clearing while naruto and sauske were in the shrubbery where I had placed them before.

We took a seat next to the make shift fire and I sighed. "I nearly killed someone." I told him and his eyes widened before softening.

"I see, so the girl on the ground..." He trailed off and I nodded.

"Yep, that was me." I chuckled bitterly while looking at my hands.

"It isn't bad that you were defending yourself." He assured me and I looked at him with a smile.

He nodded back at me and I tried to surpass a yawn but failed miserably. "Tired?" He questioned with a smirk and I pouted.

"No-" I started but yawned again. He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Get some rest." He told me, and out of the goodness of my heart, I gave him the honour of having me as company for longer. Checking to see if he was looking away, I quickly laid my head on his shoulder. He tensed but to my surprise he relaxed and just let it happen.

In one moment, he made me surprised belong belief as he stared to pet my hair causing me to blush 1000000 shades of red.

"Night Neji." I yawned before falling asleep, without even hearing him say it back.

Akane: NEJI X AKI MOMENTS! Oh ma gawd!
Neji: calm it will ya! *smacks her head*
Akane: meanieeeeeee! Don't deny it, you have a little crush on Aki! *points finger accusingly*
Neji: and who came up with that idea?
Akane: me! Shame I don't own Naruto isn't it? *grins sadistically*
Neji: what are you planning?
Akane: nothing! *runs away*

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now