Chapter 6

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"Hello there Sensei!" Lee bowed at the posing team leader.

"Ah, hi youthful student! I see we have. a very youthful team here! Let us go somewhere for introductions!" He replied while walking out of the classroom with us following suit.

"I am excited to be on a good team Sensei!" Lee bowed again as I smiled at his actions.

"I am excited to have a youthful team!" Gai Sensei replied.

Me and TenTen walked at the back just talking about things we did in the academy.

"This looks like it's gonna be, exciting." TenTen whispered to me and I giggled.

"You got that right!" I nodded and we both fell into giggles. Neji saw this and arched an eyebrow.

"And you two are giggling over what?" He folded his arms and me and TenTen exchanged a look.

"Nothing Neji." She told him and he just gave her that 'really?' Look.

"Somehow I don't even want to know." He rubbed his temples.

"Don't worry about it Neji Kun~" I sang just to annoy him. It worked as he stalked off to join the other two.

"Gomen Neji!" We both called in unison as we watched him quicken his pace slightly.

"You two are annoying." Ketsu groaned and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Ketsu." I replied and TenTen giggled.

"Right! Let us begin with these youthful introductions!" Gai Sensei came to a halt and I just sat on a tree branch and hanging upside down.

"Really?" Neji gave me a weird look and I shrugged.

"I'm a Zubat! Gotta catch em all Neji kun." I laughed as he seats dropped hard.

"You watch Pokemon?" TenTen giggled as I nodded enthusiastically.

"Yep, when Hayate isn't around I just sit back and watch." I explained and Neji shook his head and Gai Sensei spoke again.

"I shall go first! My name is might Gai, I like training and competing against my rival! I dislike somethings but who needs to know about that, it isn't youthful! My dream is to beat my rival!" He grinned determinedly and then pointed to TenTen.

"My name is TenTen, I like my weapons and teahouses, I don't like cleaning my weapons because it takes ages. My dream is to become a great ninja." She smiled and I patted her head.

Gai looked to Neji next and he sighed before speaking. "My name is Neji Hyuga, I like following my destiny, I dislike people who try to change their fate. my dream for the future is to follow what my fate is so that is my dream." He finished and I sweat dropped.

"Downer." I muttered and he shot me a glare.

"I shall go next Sensei! My name is Rock Lee! I like my friends, training and taijutsu. I do not like people who slack off. My dream for the future is to be the best taijutsu ninja!" He finished and I clapped a little earning me a thumbs up.

"Oh me? Okay! My names Aki Gekkō. I like fighting, green tea and Pokemon! I dislike fanboys and some certain people. My dream for the future is to restore something and become the best ninja I can be!" I smiled. I meant my clan and its peace but I didn't want to tell anyone that.

"They were very youthful introductions! Let me go over our training!" He began.

5 minutes later and I was anime crying at the fact we had to do 200 laps of the village on our hands.

"Good luck with that!" Ketsu chimed before turning away making me pick her up and holding her in place.

"Your not going anywhere." I said in a sickly sweet voice making her eyes widen and she shook her head rapidly.

"Of course I'm not." She reasoned and I patted her head and smiled again. After placing her back on the ground.

"We will meet here at 7 tomorrow! Do not be late because that is not youthful!" And with that, Gai Sensei disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Hey TenTen, wanna go to a teahouse?" I asked after he left.

"Sure!" She smiled and I nodded as we began towards the streets. Neji and Lee had left before us so we went by ourselves.

"So how was the academy for you?" I asked her as we entered the teahouse. I ordered a green tea and she got a rose tea.

"It was good, I used to talk to Neji a little here and there but none of the other team." She explained and I nodded.

"I know I only started a bit ago but I had learned jutsu's and other stuff from my old academy." I smiled as her eyes sparkled.

"Like what? Which jutsu's?" She wondered as so giggled.

"The basics but also some others that I can show you when we're training." I told her proudly and Ketsu bit my ankle. "Hey! What was that for?"

"We need to get back home, Hayate wanted us to be back by 7, even when he's not here." She explained to me and I sighed while giving TenTen and apologetic look.

"It's okay, I should be getting back too. See you tomorrow." She said as we headed to the door.

"Sayonara TenTen." I waved her goodbye as I rode Ketsu's back as she was in her wolf form.

"So, you wanna watch Pokemon?" She wondered annoyedly.

"Oh yes I do! And your watching it with me!" I patted her head and she groaned.

"Tiresome." She muttered as we entered the house.

I slipped off my shoes and plopped in front of the couch while flicking on the TV.

30 minutes later and I'm crying soooo hard. "ASH! Pikachu no! Ash come back to us! Oh my days pikachu don't cry!" I cried at the screen as Ketsu gave up and left the room.

The scene where Ash gets in the middle of the fight and then pikachu cries and ugh!

"Whooooh I better turn this off before I jump out a window." I told myself as I wiped my eyes and headed upstairs.

I jumped into bed and sighed. "I'm always here for you, pikachu." I said dramatically before sleeping.

Shino: time to be quiet. My bugs are annoyed.
Akane: I can't help it! I just broke up for summer vacation!
Shino: Good for you. *akane sweat drops*
Akane: lighten up Shino! Now I can spend more time with you guys!
Shino: *flys away on a cloud of bugs*
Akane: SHINOOOO! Oh, I don't own Naruto guys! *chases Shino with a fly swatter*

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