Chapter 33~ Final!

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"And that's everything that happened?" Lady tsunade asked and I nodded while cutting the guys hair off as he thrashed about. "And can I know why your cutting his hair?" She rubbed her temples.

"Well, he was annoying on the way back here so this is his punishment." I shrugged and held up the large amount of hair in my hand and threw it at him.

"Okay then, right you can go." She dismissed us and we bowed.

"You two go meet up with the boys and I'll go with Yurimae to find the girls." I appointed them and they said goodbye and Raeshin hugged Yurimae before disappearing.

After searching for a while I found Ash and Tenten by the wedding dress shop thingy.

"Thank god your here! I was gonna go in without you." Ash squeezed the life out of me in a hug and I patted her back awkwardly.

"Yeah yeah, let's go." I hugged Tenten as we chatted about the mission we had.

Picking the dress was so fucking time consuming, but the one she got was soooo nice. (Pic Below!)

Ash had already picked out the the maid of honour and bridesmaids dresses and we would pick them up tomorrow

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Ash had already picked out the the maid of honour and bridesmaids dresses and we would pick them up tomorrow.

"Shall we go find the guys?" Yurimae suggested and I nodded.

"I neeeeeed to see Neji." I mentioned and Tenten giggled.

"Such a cute relationship~" She sang and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah." I waved her off and we went to Ichiraku, where we presumed the boys would be.

And we were right, they were there all wolfing down ramen. I tapped Naruto shoulder and he jumped a mile making me double over in laughter as he dropped his ramen.

"Aki, your back." Neji stood up and I hugged him as he hugged back.

"Heyyyyyy!" I greeted and he chucked.

"How did the mission go?" He asked and I explained everything.

"I actually need to go find Ibiki because he said I can help interrogate the guy we captured." I remembered and he nodded.

"I'll come with you." He grabbed my hand and we said goodbye to the guys before heading to find Ibiki.

"Nejiiii, I may have cut the guys hair in a beautiful style!" I started and he already seemed to mentally prepared himself for what I was about to say next. "So, I wanna be a hair dresser!" I finished with a grin as we neared where we would meet Ibiki.

"I fully support you." He suddenly said and I jumped on him.

"Thank you!" I kissed him quickly as we entered the interrogators room.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now