Chapter 32

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"Nejiiiii~" I sang while walking over to my boyfriend who stood in my living room.

"No." he replied.


"Not happening."

"Nejiiii pleaseeeeeeee." I pouted while hooking my arms round his neck and he crossed his arms, looking at me blankly.

"Aki, I'm not carrying you down the aisle on my back." He sighed and kissed my forehead as his arms looped round my waist.

"Any why not?" I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"Because your the maid of honour, you have to act like it." He explained and I nodded.

"Fine fine, but I'm a delight so your missing out." I flipped my hair and grabbed his hand as we left the house.

I had arranged for him and the boys to get suits, as the wedding is next week so they should plan in advance.

"Okay cupcake, there's your little friends! Do you want mama Aki to walk you over?" I asked and he flicked my forehead.

"Oh stop it, bye Aki." He chuckled while rolling his eyes and I kissed him before going to meet Ino and Ash at the flower store.

"Hey Aki!" Ino hugged me as I arrived and I smiled.

"So if the colour theme is pastel and white, we need different pastel flowers." Ash explained and Ino disappeared into the store before emerging with lots of varieties of flowers.

"Aki Gekkō?" Some guy came up to me and I exchanged a look with the girls who just shrugged.

"Yeah that's me? What's up?" I replied and he handed me a piece of paper before disappearing. "'Lady tsunade would like to see you and your team. Thanks, shizune.'" I read aloud and groaned.

"Just go Aki, see you later." Ash hugged me and I headed to the training ground to find my team just chilling with the pink and purple haired girl from the exams and her team.

"Hey dipshits! We have to go see Tsunade." I called and they all groaned.

"But Aki sensei!" Taeo whined and I told my eyes.

"Just cos you wanna hang out with your little girlfriend, come on ice cube!" I pulled his ear and he anime cried.

"Bye bree!" He called a back while Raeshin and Yurimae trailed along behind us.

"What's it about sensei?" Yurimae asked and I shrugged.

"No clue, but I guess we're gonna find out." I opened the door to her office and we all filed in.

"Ah, I have a mission for you." Lady Tsunade informed us and I shook my head.

"Can't. Planning a wedding." I said back and she sighed.

"Sorry but every other team is deployed. It'll only be a C rank to a temple of Monks so you can guard a scroll for a few days." She told us and I sighed.

"Bree's team isn't deployed." Taeo piped up.

"Yes, but Bree's team leader is known as 'the temptress of the leaf', she was on a seduction unit so I don't think it'd be a good idea to send her to a place of Monks." She deadpanned and he shrank back.

"How long will it take?" Raeshin asked and I nodded.

"It'll be 1 day to get there, 3 days to guard the scroll and 1 day to get back." She explained and I figured it out in my head.

"That's 5 days?!" I yelled and everyone swear dropped.

"No shit." My team mumbled and I glared.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now