Chapter 29

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My eyes snapped open. I wasn't sat in the same place as before. My team had reached the tower so now I was in front of them. I smiled but then fell backwards. Fucking hell, I fainted.


My eyes snapped open. I wasn't sat- yeah yeah, deja vu much? I guess being out like that for 3 days, which is how long it took my team, I hadn't eaten and like only had a bit of water which I had before I watched the guys.

"I swear to god, what did you think was gonna happen if you didn't eat or drink for 3 days?" A familiar voice scolded and I sat up.

"Don't whine at me." I pouted but swung my legs over the hospital bed and proceeded to swing them back and forth.

"I'm only worried about you." They sighed and moved a stray strand of hair from my face.

"I know, I'm grateful." I smiled and pecked Neji's lips.

"What am I gonna do with you?" He muttered and sat on the bed next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he twirled my hair round his finger. I felt safe with Neji, I can't really explain it. Though we haven't been dating for long, since the beginning this was always the same feeling.

"Anyway, I'm ready to leave so let's go see the little shits." I stood up and he rolled his eyes, getting up too. I grabbed his hand and he entwined our fingers.

"You do care about your team." He stated sarcastically and I nudged him with my shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, you can meet them for the first time properly! Oh! First can we go find Lee?" I asked and he looked confused. "Oh, well Yurimae is a Taijutsu specialist sooo." I said and he nodded.

"By the way, I should tell you that Raeshin didn't get through." He stated and I gasped.


"Well, I decided to watch them since you were in the hospital, Yurimae and Raeshin ended up facing each other. I heard they're dating, he told her he wanted to fight and purposely took a bad hit to let her win." He explained and I had mixed emotions.

"Awwwwww, but he needed to fight properly!" I said and Neji laughed.

"Well at least Taeo and Yurimae got through." He kissed my head and I calmed down as we noticed lee in the streets.

"Aki, Neji! Looking youthful today!" He flashed us a grin and I giggled.

"Hey lee could you come Tutor my student in Taijutsu, she's a specialist." I asked and he nodded excitedly.

"Of course!" He agreed and we all went to the training grounds where I thought they would probably be. As expected, they were all training.

"Hey dipshits!" I shouted and jumped on Ketsu.

"Aki sensei! Your okay?" Yurimae asked after Raeshin threw his arm round her shoulder.

"Yep! Well done on getting to the final exam! But.... Raeshin!" I growled and began chasing him he began spouting apologies and I got held back by Ketsu.

"Stop chasing the child." She scolded and I pouted.

"Anywhooooo! Yurimae, Taeo, Raeshin, this is Neji and lee. Yurimae, lee is a Taijutsu specialist, he'll work with you today. Taeo your with Neji and Raeshin with Ikai and Ketsu. I was told to take it easy so." I shrugged and summoned the lively blue fox.

"Ikai is excited to play!" She laughed and her and Ketsu walked to fight Raeshin.


About 1 hour later, training ended and I decided to invite some people back to my place. Kiba brought this girl called Nami who seemed kinda cold but nice as well. Shino had brought someone called Shura who was a bit ditsy but super nice too.

"So Nami, how long you known Kiba?" I asked the girl and she smirked.

"About 1 month." She replied and I nodded.

"What about you shura?" I turned to the other girl and she beamed.

"A month and a half!" She giggled and I smiled.

"Both of you would make good couples." Tenten winked and I nodded in agreement.

"Hey guys!" Nami blushed we all laughed. The night was good, we sent Shikamaru, choji and Raeshin to get ramen for us and I forced everyone to watch Pokémon.

"Oh man, pikachu is so cute!" Ino laughed and I nodded.

"So is squirtle and charmander!" I said and Yurimae scoffed.

"Dudes, meowth is legit the best!" She put in and all the boys were looking at us fangirling over Pokémon.

It was much later and everyone was slowly heading out. I decided that Neji, lee and Tenten would stop over so we could catch up before the mission tomorrow.

I sat on the roof with Neji just watching then sky until he spoke up.

"If I end up carrying you on my back tomorrow I'll sue." He smirked and I tackled him. Pinning him to the roof.

"Try me bitch. You know I'm poor so." I shrugged as I sat back and he propped himself up on his elbows.

"But I really like you anyway." He leaned in and so did I. We met in the middle and our lips moulded perfectly together.

We pulled away for air and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I really like you too, even though your gonna sue me." I giggled as he rolled his eyes.

"We should get back inside." He helped me to my feet and we went back through the window. I saw Tenten asleep with her head on Lee's shoulder and I awed.

"Well we should sleep too." He draped an arm round my shoulder and I nodded.

"Well I'll share with Tenten seen as though," Lee started and gestured to her and I smiled, saying goodnight.

"Looks like your with me, how lucky." I flipped my hair and me and Neji left to my room. I changed into shorts and a T-Shirt before going into my room. I jumped into my bed and Neji came in and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not gonna question it." He muttered and slid under the duvet next to me.

"Nejiiiiiii, you know cos I'm amazing." I stared as he wrapped an arm round my waist.

"What do you want?" He questioned suspiciously and I smirked.

"Get me a dog?" I asked and he sweat dropped. I heard Ketsu swear at me from out side my room and I rolled my eyes.

"Good night Aki." He leaned down and met my lips. After we broke away, I snuggled into his chest and slowly fell asleep.

Akane: Neji and Aki moments are my life right now!
Lee: they are very youthful right?
Akane: I know, anyway, lee you are a sensei to Yurimae!
Lee: she's learning the power of youth!
Akane: damn fucking right!
Lee: true that!
Akane: thanks for reading! I don't own Naruto!

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