Bonus Chapter~ Hotsprings

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Here it is! The bonus chapter! Just wanna say that Neji and Aki are a couple in this and it hasn't got anything to do with the rest of the story line!
And also, two other characters will appear, Shura and Nami, they are gonna be like some added characters for a while and are based off of the other owners of this account, Matsuri and Kou!

"AKIIIII!" Naruto yelled while running over to me.

"Hey Naru." I smiled and he stopped to catch his breath.

"Me and everyone else are going to the hot springs, wanna come?" He asked and I grinned excitedly.

"Yes!" I agreed and jumped on his back. "Onward!" I yelled and he started running to where I guessed we were meeting everyone else.

"Hey Aki." Ino smiled and I waved while jumping off Naruto's back.

"Heyyy, anyone seen Neji?" I asked and TenTen sighed.

"People are busy persuading him to come, I think the plan was to say 'Aki's coming' and he'll be right here." She explained and I rolled my eyes.

"Shino! Butterfly!" A familiar voice squealed, adoring a purple butterfly.

"Shura, you know it's my butterfly." Shino replied to her and the bluenette pouted.

"Well whatever, it's pretty." She smiled and again and Shino gently smiled too.

"Aw, you two are so cute together." Ino swooned at the couple.

Shino met a girl, who wasn't a ninja, at a tea house a few months ago. She was fascinated by his bugs and recently started hanging out with us.

Shino and her hit it off so well and eventually he grew some balls and asked her out. They're so cute together, she's kinda childish but brings out Shino's nice side.

Me and her are close as well. "Hey guys, we finally convinced the stubborn mule." Another voice said in a monotone voice.

"Be nice Nami." Kiba whined to his girlfriend who just scoffed and crossed her arms.

Nami also started hanging out with us, she's from a cat taming clan. Though her and Kiba have very different personalities, they fell for each other and are now boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm close to her too.

"Right right, anyway, let's go!" I said excitedly while running up to Neji.

"They convinced me to come along." He said dejectedly and I rolled my eyes while going tiptoes and pecking his lips.

"Oh shh, you want to come really." I winked and he flushed bright red.

"It's not mixed bathing is it?!" He asked as we got to the hot springs.

"No, so, I shall see you later." I kissed his cheek and headed off with the girls.

"Ugh, I need this, like seriously, convincing your boyfriend to come was hell." Nami sighed, nudging my arm.

"N-naruto, said he w-would do it b-but he c-came to get you instead." Hinata said and I giggled.

"I would have guessed naruto would bail." I said and everyone laughed.

We entered the girls changing room and undressed while tying a towel round ourselves.

After, we went into where the baths were and I dropped my towel, submerging myself in the water.

"This is great." TenTen sighed happily and I nodded.

"Oh my goodness, look a dragonfly!" Shura jumped up a little and got the small insect on her finger.

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