Chapter 16

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"What, the, fuck..." I stood wide eyed at what just happened.

As if naruto just farted in Kiba's face!? Making this even more surprising, that knucklehead won.

"I guess I should say well done naruto!" I called down to him and he gave a thumbs up.

"Gaara of the desert vs Rock Lee." Hayate spoke and I jumped onto Lee making him almost fall.

"You can do it Lee!" I encouraged my best friend and he jumped up doing his signature grin.

"I will Aki Chan!" He proclaimed and he hurriedly went to the arena. Gaara stood across from him and I smiled to the cold red head.

He looked to me but didn't do anything else. Quickly the match began and Lee attacked at lighting speed with his taijutsu and Gaara deflected with his sand.

It wasn't long until Lee release this huge weights on his legs that exploded when they hit the ground. I smirked, already knowing he had them, looking at everyone's shocked faces.

Things went down hill when Lee's leg was caught in Gaara's sand. I gasped at the scream he let out. Gai quickly jumped in format of Gaara, stopping him getting to Lee. Hayate called the match and I was quick to sprint to Lee's side.

"Shit shit shit, Lee oh my gosh." I could feel a few tears fall as I watched the medical ninjas work to heal him and get him to the infirmary.

"Aki, we need to have you back up there before the next match." Gai told me sadly and I sighed before standing up.

"He'll be okay, don't worry." Hayate placed a hand on my shoulder and I nodded.

"You okay Aki?" Neji asked as I got back to my place.

"I'm fine, little worried but I know he'll be alright." I smiled and he nodded, smiling slightly too.

"Next up is Neji Hyuga vs Hinata Hyuga." Hayate announced and I tensed. Neji, my crush and hinata, a close friend of mine.

"Good luck Neji." I smiled and quickly hugged him, he tensed but smiled and nodded.

"Hinata Chan! Good luck!" I hugged her too and she blushed while smiling.

"Arigato A-Aki San." She headed to face Neji as I jumped up to sit on the railings.

"If you fall I'm not being responsible." TenTen mused and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure sure." I giggled and watched as Neji began telling a speech about destiny. Jeez, he doesn't stop.

Hinata fought with everything she had but Neji was just stronger. "Go Hinata!" Naruto cheered and I nodded.

"You can do it Hinata!" I called too and she smiled, fighting harder, but it still wasn't enough.

"You did well Hinata." Naruto said as the medics checked her over.

"Well done, and Neji, stop saying nonsense about destiny." I scolded and he smirked.

"Whatever." He replied and poked my forehead.

I could feel someone glaring at us and I sighed. "I swear to god Sasuke, if you don't stop glaring I'll get pikachu on you!" I threatened and he rolled his eyes.

"Sure." He replied and I turned back to Neji who was looking at me like I'd grown a second head.

"Aw poor Neji!" I jumped on his back and be sighed trying to get me off.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now