Chapter 23

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I woke up a few hours ago and we were about a day away from the leaf village. Apparently Ash wished me all the best and I should visit soon, which I will.

"Pokemon! Gotta catch em all!" I sang as me and Lee jogged ahead.

"You are still full of youth Aki Chan!" He commented and I stopped and began walking again.

"You know it!" I flipped my hair. Gai and Kakashi were probably a wayyyy in front of us, Gai took off with Kakashi on his back apparently.

"I'm tired." Ketsi whined and I rolled my eyes at her.

"It's getting dark, we should set up camp and go again tomorrow." I called back to everyone else and they nodded.

We walked until we reached a clearing and saw Gai and Kakashi there already.

"Okay, there's 4 tents that means a girl and a guy have to share." Tenten spoke and I started to set up the tent.

"I'm with the girls!" Ketsu immediately spoke up making me giggle.

"Flip a coin." I shrugged and they did so. I lost the first round then tenten lost the next, if I lost this I would go with one of the guys.

"Heads." I called and it landed on tails.

"Gomen Aki, your with one of those guys." She pointed at the boys who were sat around doing nothing.

"Nah it's fine, I'll just set up my tent and whoever wants to share can do so, I ain't bothered, just tired." I yawned and finished pitching the tent.

"Night Aki." Tenten headed to her tent with Sakura and ketsu.

After setting out a sleeping bag and lantern I threw on a large baggy T-shirt and shorts before laying down.

The zip was pulled back and Neji came in and set out his own sleeping bag.

"So your the lucky guy who gets my company." I smirked and he shook his head.

"Your way too overly confident for your own good." He commented and laid down, propping himself up on his elbows.

"No shit." I said back and sat in a cross legged position.

It wasn't till then that I realised he was shirtless. Well fuck, there goes my innocence.

I blushed and covered my eyes. "I am too innocent to see this sight!" I said accusingly and I heard him chuckle.

"Aki, you and tenten have seen the team shirtless before during training." He said with an obvious eye roll.

"Yes but we were not alone, trapped in a tent, with everyone else asleep, and no one else around..." I began ranting.

"You make it sound like I'm gonna do something to you." He laughed and I jumped on him and hit his head with his pillow.

"Stop making me sound like I have a dirty mind and would think about such lewd things! I'm not the one who reads porn!" I yelled.

"Hey!" I heard Kakashi yell and I fell backwards.

"You didn't need to attack me." Neji sweat dropped and I pouted.

"You didn't need to make me out to be a perv." I said back and he sighed.

There was some silence between us and I assumed he fell asleep. I looked over and he had his eyes closed so I assumed he was.

I scooted a little closer and rested my head and his chest. I forgot a pillow and I was so not sleeping on hard ground.

I made sure I didn't wake him but too late. He stirred and I was about to move but was stopped as an arm tightened around my shoulders.

"Aki, you comfy there?" Neji smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I forgot my pillow so shh." I began to get really tired so just nuzzled my head deeper in neji's chest as he petted my hair.

"We missed you." He whispered and I smiled.

"I missed you all too." I soon fell asleep and dreamt about magic llamas because why the hell not.

~ Morning ~

"Neji." I poked his cheek impatiently.


"Nejiiiiii!" I full on slapped him in the face.

"What the hell?!" He shot up and I laughed. I was sat on his stomach and he must of noticed because he sighed.

"In heavy I know, but you wouldn't wake up." I got off his stomach and stood up. "Now turn around because I need to get dressed." I ordered and he obliged.

After changing I skipped outside and tackled naruto. "Morning Naruuuu!" I sang and he grinned.

"Hey Aki!" He greeted back as I sat down beside him.

"When we heading back to the village?" I asked and he stood up.

"Right now!" I then looked to see that everyone was ready to go and I nodded.

"Okay then, let's head out." I began walking ahead with tenten as we spoke about anything we could.

Ketsu was just listening to our conversation for her own amusement.

"And then Kankuro got the whole bowl dumped on his head." I laughed. Basically, kankuro had made a flirty comment to a girl at a ramen place, long story short, he had ramen all over him.

"Jeez! So, was he a flirt with you as much as he was before." She nudged my arm and I giggled.

"When I was Nati, he asked me to be his girlfriend." I laughed and I heard Neji start choking on the water he was drinking.

"What did you say?!" She gasped.

"Let's just say, it wasn't the first time he had a bowl of ramen dumped on him." I finished with a smirk.

"Wow, I'm guessing he stopped after that incident." She said and I nodded.

"But when I'm Aki, he won't stop, no matter what." I giggled as we entered the village.

"Wait, Aki?!" Kotetsu and izumo said in shock. I ran and hugged both of them tightly.

"I missed you guys!" I smiled and they hugged back.

"We missed you too." Izumo ruffled my  hair.

"Man, haven't you grown up huh?" Kotetsu commented and I grinned.

"Yep! So, is there still a place for me here in the leaf?" I teased and they laughed.

"When isn't there?" And with that we continued to head towards the hokage.

"Man, it feels like years since I've been here." I commented and everyone sweat dropped.

"Wow Aki, how ironic." Ketsu added sarcastically and I laughed.

"Akamaru, wait up!" I heard a familiar inuzuka call to the huge white dog who had tackled me to the ground.

"Akamaru!" I laughed as he licked my face.

"Aki, your back! No wonder he just ran off like that." Kiba helped me up and I pulled him into a hug.

"Finally, I don't have to train with you guys every single day anymore." Ketsu chimed happily and akamaru whined.

"Don't be mean Ketsu." I laughed and she rolled her eyes. Both dogs were the same size now, jeez they grew big.

"Well, we can catch up later, I have to go meet Hinata and shino, later Aki." I hugged kiba goodbye and petted akamaru.

Eventually we reached the hokage office and I burst through the door. "Guess whos back bitches!" I yelled, in front of lady tsunade, shizune, the team I was with and

Wait for it...

A guy in a crop top! Wow, it's good to be back!

Akane: yassssss! My pale skinned twin is here!
Sai: yes, and I'm happy. *fake smile*
Akane: liar! But anyway, a little Neji and Aki moment!
Sai: it was nice. *fake smile*
Akane: liar! I don't own naruto!
Sai: and I'm terribly sorry about that. *fake smile*
Akane: liar!

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