Chapter 3

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"Hey, hey kid, HEY!" A sudden voice awoke me from sleeping. I slowly opened my eyes to see a small black dog with ears like a wolf.

"What?! How did you get in here?' Why can you talk?!" I shot up and pointed at the dog as it rolled it's eyes.

"Checkers sent me, I'm becoming your dog now." It barked with an annoyed expression.

"And your name is?" I asked and the small dog whipped it's black fur on its face to the side.

"The names Ketsu, I don't want to be here but I have to. Tiresome." She yawned and I sweat dropped.

"Aki? *cough* who're you talking *cough* to?" I heard Hayate open my door and I hopped out of bed.

"This is Ketsu, apparently she's my new ninja dog." I explained and Ketsu rolled her eyes again.

"Who's the guy?" She asked out loud and Hayate just looked at the dog and they got into a glaring contest.

"Anyway, happy birthday Aki." He handed me a small box and I smiled happily.

Inside was a white silver kunai with my name engraved on the handle. I grinned as I twirled it round my fingers.

"Arigato Hayate!" I thanked him and he nodded before leading Ketsu out of the room.

"Get ready, you *cough* have the academy soon." He informed me and I changed into my ninja outfit. After tying my bandages I left the room.

"You ready *cough* for your first day?" Hayate asked as we left for the academy. Ketsu was perched on my shoulder, she had explained she was a shapeshifter so can transform her size and animal being which was sugoiiiiiiii!

"Yep! I'm a little nervous about meeting new people though." I muttered and Ketsu nipped my ear.

"Your a paranoid kid! I find that annoying so stop." She turned her head away and I rolled my eyes.

"You'll be fine, *cough* anyway, we're here. Have a *cough* good day, happy birthday again." Hayate smiled before poofing into smoke.

Ketsu jumped off my shoulder and reverted to her normal size. "Well let's go then!" She barked and I followed behind her.

The hallways were empty but I could here voices in the classroom. "Are we late?" I asked Ketsu and she laughed.

"A queen is never late, everyone is simply early." She announced proudly while her eyes sparkled. I face palmed before she stopped outside a clasroom.

"This is it I'm guessing?" I asked while she nodded and jumped on my head.

"Well go in then!" She tugged my hair which was in a high ponytail with my bangs to the side. I pouted but pushed the door open.

The initial reaction was most of the boys to get hearts in their eyes therefore Ketsu glared at them until they stopped. I sighed and walked to the Sensei.

"And who might you be?" He asked and I introduced myself.

"My names Aki, I arrived in the village yesterday so I'm new here." I explained and he nodded.

"No last name?" He inquired and I looked away.

"Gekkō, she has a real last name but that ain't none of anyone's business." Ketsu snapped and I put my hand on her mouth.

"Gomen about her attitude." I apologised and he just chuckled.

"It's okay. So your the one who is living with Hayate now. I'm Rejii Areia, or Rejii Sensei, welcome to the class Aki." He moved his hand through his hair and looked around the room.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now