Chapter 7

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"195..196..197..198, oh my Jesus...199...2 fudging hundred!" I collapsed in a heap as I finished my 2 hundred press ups.

"Well done youthful Aki!" Gai Sensei patted my head as I finally stood up again.

After seeing that Neji had finished as well I took a seat by the bridge and watched Lee and TenTen.

"You finished?" The Hyuga asked from beside me and I nodded.

"Yeah, jeez that was tiring." I complained and he clicked his tongue.

"I suppose, in some way it is. Lee finished first but he's striving for 350." He informed me like it was nothing and I widened my eyes.

"Wow! That guy has stamina." I nodded in amusement and Gai motivating him

"I agree. How are you finding training?" He asked and I thought for a second.

We'd been training for about 1 month now and each day was the same; 200 press ups, 50 laps of the village, then sparing. Today we alternated on laps of the village first then press ups.

"It's, a lot of effort but it's benefiting us." I replied and he grunted back.

"Why doesn't Lee know already that he won't surpass me in sparing." He told me and I sighed. This happened often when Neji and Lee spared against each other.

"He's trying, he isn't the greatest ninjutsu and genjutsu ninja but his taijutsu is enhanced." I explained earning a look.

"It's his fate, he can't surpass me." With that he stood up and headed back to the group to begin sparing.

"Are you ready to get beaten by me today Neji!" Lee announce making Neji glare.

"You can't beat me Lee." He said flatly and I looked at Lee apologetically.

"Neji's right, you should focus on something else." TenTen joined and I could see Gai Sensei looking at Lee.

"Lee, I have something to improve your youth!" He suddenly announced and immediately Ketsu backed away.

"Oh no." She muttered to herself and I giggled.

"Yes Gai Sensei?" He looked to his teacher as he pulled out ....a green spandex suit '-.-

"It is wonderful!" He bowed over and over and me and TenTen exchanged a look at his new outfit.

"Is he gonna wear that everyday of training?" I whispered to her and she sighed.

"Looks like it." She muttered as we saw Lee's eyes sparkling over his new outfit.

Training was soon over which meant me and Ketsu headed back home. "What do you think of Lee's new found youth?" I asked her as she shuddered.

"It's scaring." She shivered again and I laughed.

"Deal with it, we have to be supportive." I said to her and she nodded reluctantly.

~ Time skip, brought to you by MOCHI! ~

Over the next few months, we had basic missions, some to work around the village and others were to other places.

We waited at the gates for the rest of the team to arrive as we had a mission today. To transport some scrolls to the land of tea.

"Let me get some extra sleep." I yawned and then sat back against the tree. I leaned back and fell asleep quite fast.

I woke up to see I was on someone's back. I looked around a little first, still half asleep before resting my head on their shoulder.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now