Chapter 15

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Well I haven't done and A/N in a while 😆
Anyway, as some of you may know, this story is inspired by a Neji oneshot in my anime oneshots.
I just wanted to say that I will be editing the whole scene and it won't play out like it did in the oneshot.
This won't happen for a while but I just thought I'd say! Arigato! Also if your wondering where Ketsu is, she went back to the summoning world, like kakashi'a dogs, I'll explain now!

"Who the hell do you think you are four eyes?!" I snapped at the grey haired creep who just showed up saying he can 'help us'.

Does he not know about the whole 'fend for yourself and only your OWN team'?!

Man, if Ketsu was here, she'd have things to say. She was called back to the summoning world before our fight with orochimaru. Talk about bad timing.

"I'm Kabuto, do you not trust me or something?" He said with a cocky smile.

"No I don't, goodbye bitch!" I turned around and walked away. Sasuke kept on his poker face and followed me, naruto whined.

"But Aki! He's gonna help us get to the tower!" He reasoned but I just rubbed my temples while sighing.

"Do you believe that dobe?" Sasuke questioned. He had been a lot more cut off and cold since he woke up after the snake guy biting him.

Neji's team left us in the morning and now we were on the way to the tower. "Listen naruto, if someone came up to us in the middle of the forest of death, saying they're gonna help, we shouldn't listen!" I told him and he dejectedly followed after us.

I looked back and saw Kabuto smirking at me, I narrowed my eyes and he just pushed his glasses up, jumping back into the trees.

~ Time Skip, brought to you by MOCHI~

"Hey guys!" A random ninja gave us a closed eye smile as we opened the scrolls in the tower.

"Um what?" I raised an eyebrow and naruto just lost it.

"What are you doing here Iruka Sensei?!" He shouted and I just looked between Sasuke and naruto completely confused.

"Iruka who?" I questioned again and Sasuke sighed.

"Tch." Was all he replied with before smirking. "Aki, this is our old academy Sensei." He said, draping an arm round my shoulder.

"Riiight." I rolled my eyes at him as naruto finished off his conversation with Iruka.

"I'll take you to where everyone is gathered, there's something else to inform you." He said and then took us to a large room where everyone else was.

I saw Neji and waved slightly, he nodded but then glared when he saw sauskes arm round my shoulder making me frown.

Multiple girls were glaring at me too, guess he has fangirls, like me and my *shivers* fanboys.

"Well done to all of you for getting this far, however. There are many more people then we expected so we are holding preliminaries right now." The hokage informed us before there where many groans and complaints from people.

Many people left, including four eyes. "Good riddance." I muttered. The hokage left and a new proctor came.

"Hello everyone *cough* for those of you still here *cough* congratulations." A familiar voice, and coughing habit, spoke from the front.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now