Chapter 5

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When I secured a place in your heart..

You opened it up for someone else...

Though I understood the pain you felt..

You still only cared for you...yourself...

The words from my dream kept repeating themselves in my head. I dreamt that I met Ash again, those were the only words she told me.

"Hey! Your out of it today, don't go failing the graduation exam." Ketsu scratched my hair which I had decided to put in a messy bun with two long prices of hair hanging down, framing my face.

"I'll be okay, don't worry I won't fail." I smiled reassuringly making her roll her eyes.

"You best hope so." She mumbled as we entered the classroom.

"Ohio Rejii Sensei." I greeted with a small bow. He nodded while smiling before turning to the class as I sat down.

"Right! Today is the graduation exam, I shall call you one by one to preform a ninja skill. If you pass you shall get your headband, if not, you know what will happen. I wish you all best of luck." He finished before picking up his clipboard and heading to the other room.

"First is Tiyan Ariko." Another ninja entered the room and called out the first student to do the exam.

One by one students got called to do the exam. I sat on the desk twirling my hair round my fingers while sighing for like the bazzilionth time.

"Stop sighing!" Ketsu growled slightly while banging her head on the desk.

"Gomen, just thinking about the dream I had last night." I sighed, again.

"What happened in your dream Aki San?" Lee asked while sitting on the desk next to me.

"It wasn't much, just about someone I know. The only thing strange about it was it seemed weird to me." I explained before brushing the whole thing off and smiling brightly.

"Well I'm happy that you are okay now!" Lee grinned and I nodded while Ketsu finally chuckled at me.

~ Time Skip (After the exam) ~

I held the black coloured headband with the glinting silver leaf symbol. I smiled to myself before thinking about where the hell I would tie it.

"Jut pick somewhere to tie the thing!" Ketsu scolded as she transformed into a small red fox which made me question why.

"I will in a minute, but why are you a fox?" I asked while deciding on tying the headband round my forehead underneath my bangs. The black ribbon part was super long on mine so it flowed down to the small of my back.

"Because I have been a dog for a while, now I'm a fox, get over it!" She snapped at me and I nodded.

"Congratulations Aki San, on passing the exam!" Lee came up to me and I grinned.

"You too Lee!" I giggled as he showed me a thumbs up.

Soon enough, he had to go so I perched on a log by myself as Ketsu slept at my feet.

"You passed I see." Neji suddenly appeared in front of me wearing his headband around his forehead like mine.

"Ah yeah, you too I notice. Well done." I smiled a little as he nodded and sat down by my side.

"Are you not going back home to see anyone?" He asked and I looked at the sky before facing him again.

"Well, the person I live with, Hayate, is on a mission so I would be going home to an empty house. What about you?" I wondered and he shrugged.

"Not being mean, but that is none of your concern." He stated and I sweat dropped.

"Right." I replied before we fell into a deep silence. I tapped my fingers on my knee before breaking the awkwardness between us. "So, we might be getting teams tomorrow, I heard Rejii Sensei talking about it." I spoke and he nodded.

"Yes, I heard too." He said and I sighed.

"I guess I best get going then." I stood up and brushed myself off. "Sayonara Neji Kun." I waved a little before picking Ketsu up and walking back home.

~ Time skip, brought to you by Naruto's Ramen love ~

I was currently riding on Ketsu's back. Yep, she had shape shifted into a huge black wolf with the same white kunai mark on her back.

"I wonder whose team I'll be on!" I wondered out loud and she snorted.

"Better be someone good who is on your team! I want to be on a strong team not a weak one." She announced and I rolled my eyes.

We arrived in class and everyone shivered in fear of Ketsu's glare and huge form. She reached my waist so was fairly big. I sat next to Lee and we greeted each other before Rejii Sensei came in and began the class.

"Ohio everyone. Today I am going to place you onto teams. Let's start with the first team." He proceeded to read out names of who was on which team.

"I wonder who we are with." Lee whispered to me and I nodded in agreement.

"Team Gai will be Rock Lee, TenTen, Neji Hyuga." He finished and I sulked in a corner. Aw, I'm not gonna be with anyone I know. I thought before Rejii Sensei gave a shocked expression.

"My mistake, team guy is the only four man team. Rock Lee, TenTen, Neji Hyuga and Aki Gekkō." He said for sure and me and Lee grinned wildly at each other.

"I'm glad we're on the same team!" I said to him and he nodded.

"Me too Aki San." He agreed and the rest of our team made their way to our seats.

"I'm so glad there's another girl on this team." The girl I guessed was TenTen sighed in relief.

"Me too, I'm Aki and your TenTen right?" I extended a hand and she shook it while smiling.

"Yep!" She had two buns in her hair and a cute traditional outfit. I already knew Neji so I just smiled in greeting which he simply nodded at.

Most of the other teams had left to meet with their new Sensei and we were told to wait here. I swung my legs on the desk and Ketsu changed to her dog state and sat next to me.

"They seem strongish, let's hope." She muttered and I jabbed her head.

"Their nice and friendly so that's good." I noted and she rolled her eyes.

"So you are my youthful team! I am the handsome Sensei, Might Gai!" A man jumped into the room wearing a green spandex suit, leg warmers and had a bowl cut.

"Oh no." Ketsu groaned and put her he's don't he desk.

This is going to be..interesting. I thought as the man gave a thumbs up and a glinting smile.

Akane: Yosh! Gai Sensei whoop!
Gai: I have a fan I see! Youthful!
Kakashi: still calling little girls youthful?
Gai: ah my rival, Kakashi.
Akane: um guys? I need to say someth-
Kakashi: I see you again Gai. How are things?
Gai: youthful as ever!
Akane: hellooooo? I need to say th-
Gai: up for another battle! *akane sweat deops*
Kakashi: what this time?
Akane: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO! There, you may proceed. *leaves to find Shika to annoy*

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