Chapter 17

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"White walls, white curtains, oh my gosh! White ceilings! I love the originality!" I woke up and looked around the infirmary room.

"If your any more sarcastic, I swear we all need help." A voice next to me sighed and I shot up only to Yelp in pain.

"Shit shit shit." I cursed, closing my eyes tightly.

"Baka! You'll hurt yourself more, stop!" They jabbed my forehead and I opened one eye to see TenTen on one side of me, Neji on the other and naruto and a random pink haired girl at the end of my bed.

"Who the fucks the candy floss bitch?" I asked and TenTen gasped at me.

"Aki! Your so mean!" She scolded but was suppressing a laugh.

"This is Sakura, the 3rd member of team 7." Naruto introduced and she smiled shyly.

"Hey, thanks for filling in for me." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hah, it's no problem but seriously, your not gonna get many places if you don't compete in the exams." I deadpanned and her jaw dropped.

"Aki, Sakura's strong." Naruto grinned and I shrugged.

"Then she could have competed, sorry, I'm in a very big mood." I huffed and TenTen exchanged words with them.

They nodded and naruto, TenTen and Sakura left. "Nejiiiii kunnnn, why did they leave?" I carefully propped myself up in my elbows.

"I just wanted to talk to you about the exams." He folded his arms and leant back in his chair.

I moved to sit up and winced as I leaned against the wall. "What happened?" I asked and he explained how has got through and who id be fighting.

"No! No fucking way, not happening, nope, nuh uh, nada, no!" I huffed as I found out my opponent.

"Come on Aki, you'll do great, it doesn't matter about the person your fighting." He placed a hand on my shoulder and stood up.

"I don't want to fight that bitch! Why would I want to fight Tammy?!" I complained and he chuckled.

"Shut up." He teased and ruffled my hair as I pouted. He left the room and a familiar Uchiha entered.

"How you doing?" He smiled and sat on the end of my bed.

"I'm fine, I'm being released tomorrow and that's when I'm starting training." I grinned. "Well done on getting through duckbutt." I shoved his shoulder and his eyes narrowed.

"Stop teasing me Aki." He growled and I gasped.

"The fuck you on about Duckass?" I asked him sassily and he smirked.

"You've been doing it since you joined team 7, driving me insane and all that." He told me and I smiled.

"I am annoying like that." I said, oblivious to what he meant.

"Well, you may think that but Aki, I thing we'd be good together. You aren't like other girls, think about it." He got up off the bed and I sat with my mouth open at what he said.

All I didn't know, was what was going on outside the room.

~ Outside the room ~

"Don't act like that around her." Neji snapped at the smirking Uchiha.

"What? All I'm doing is saying what she wants to hear. And trust me, if someone's getting Aki, it's plainly obvious it's me." He said, walking off down the hallways and out of sight.

"No, I know what you'll do, it's me." Neji then spoke to himself, looking back at Aki who was watching Pokemon, Unknown to what just happened.

~ Time Skip ~

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