Filler Chapter~ Shura and Shino

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"Kiba, come on." I said as Kiba trying to drag akamaru our of his household.

"It's not my fault he won't move!" Kiba sighed back and I just turned and walked back over to Hinata.

"I-is Kiba not ready y-yet?" She asked timidly and I shook my head.

"Akamaru won't move apparently." I stated as Kiba came back, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"I hadn't fed him that's why." He chuckled and I sweat dropped.

"Let's go now, we were supposed to meet Aki and Neji 10 minutes ago." I followed Hinata to the tea house we were meeting the two.

"I find it great how Aki and Neji finally got together, like, I could see the signs of them liking each other since the start." Kiba explained and I nodded.

"I-I'm glad they are b-both happy." Hinata smiled as we got to the tea house.

"Hey guys!" Aki waved manically and Neji just stared at his over excited girlfriend.

"Hey." Kiba greeted and akamaru barked.

"Hello you two." I sat down next to Kiba, Hinata across from us next to Neji and Neji next to Aki.

"Welcome, can I take your orders?" I perky waitress came over with a notepad and pen.

We placed our order and got some dango's to share. "So guys, any other missions coming up?" Aki asked and I shrugged.

"Not that we know of, but I dunno." Kiba replied and she sighed.

"We have one next week, Tsunade said it would take about 5 days." Aki shrugged and Neji chuckled.

"You just dislike missions full stop." He commented and she pouted.

"I'm not excited about them, let's put it that way." She retorted and her and Hinata giggled.

"Here's your order." The waitress came back and placed our things on the table.

"Arigato!" Aki sang and she hurried away.

"Shura! Leave the goddamn spider alone!" Someone shouted and I turned to see four people coming towards us, with a Sensei.

"Gomen, but it's pretty, with only one leg, poor thing!" I petite girl cooed at the creature.

She had long blue hair and was looking at a spider. (Cos I'm lazy, I can't be bothered to describe her outfit, so this is it).

 (Cos I'm lazy, I can't be bothered to describe her outfit, so this is it)

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"I don't give a shit, leave it." The male said again and she pouted.

"Go on without me, I'm not even a ninja ya know." She faced up to him but he towered over her.

"Your on our team because you have the best memory in the village, you may not be a ninja but your useful to our team." He told her and she sighed.

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