Chapter 31

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I just bit back my anger and tied my white white hair in a side braid before securing my mask and heading to the gates.

"Can I help you?" The guard asked and I looked away, I wasn't going to talk to any one if these scum.

"We're the ninja from the leaf, we hear a man has been killing villagers." Allie explained and he nodded.

"That's correct, I have the information here." He handed us a file with the mans picture and information, I immediately felt my stomach turn.

"May I ask why you couldn't have killed him yourself?" I spat and Taki nudged me to be nicer.

"Because we don't have the right ninja to do so." He said dejectedly and I just rolled my eyes, not like he could see through my mask.

"We will proceed right away." Taki assured and we went to look for the man. "Listen Aki, I know this village has a lot of bad memories for you but I'm sure not everyone here was bad." Taki told me and I shook my head.

"The only person nice to me was Ash and she doesn't even live here anymore." I explained as we passed the academy, which made me growl.

"Let's just kill this bitch and get home." Allie suggested and we nodded.

"It says that he has several allies, so each one of us will take them while the last will kill the target." Taki closed the file and I sighed.

"Can't I just kill everyone here?" I groaned and they shoved me, enough so I fell into the person in front of me.

"Watch it- I mean, so sorry, thank you for being here to help our village!" The voice made me immediately look at the person, and I was correct, it was her.

I stepped back more and more until my back hit Taki. "What up?" He asked and I swallowed.

"That' mother." I whispered and the woman just looked at our conversation with a confused expression.

"Um, well, good luck." She said and began walked off, immediately grabbing my shoulder I hid the birth mark. "If I could make one small request though." She smiled and I looked to Allie and Taki in turn.

"What would that be?" Allie asked and her smile grew.

"If you have any leads on a girl named Aki Shizuki, please alert the village, her return is eminent and she will be back soon." She then turned around, not before looking back. "Because if you don't find her, we will." And with that she was gone.

"Aki?" Allie asked as I just kept walking, I rounded the corner and threw the mask off, suddenly throwing up.

After unloading whatever was in my stomach I got my mask back and secured it back on.

"Let's just get this shit over with." I muttered. Just as I looked up, I saw it, the poster. "If you see this girl, please bring her back to the village. 400,000 reward." I read out looking at the picture of me and that was the moment.

"Aki, just ignored this." Taki ripped the poster off but it was too late. My emotions just shut off and I felt barely anything.

"They are looking for me, and paying people money." I spat and just snatched the file, quickly jumping on the roof and looking for the man.

It was about 5 minutes and I quickly found him. Jumping down next to where he was standing.

"Hey-" he was about to talk when I mercilessly cut off his arm. "Bitch!" He yelled and his followers appeared.

I fought against them, causing harm until one was already out from blood loss.

"Art of the dancing petals!" I called and surrounded one of the men. Releasing it he was badly wounded, but not dead.

I punched the guy I was assassinating and caused a hell of a lot of harm without killing him. In this moment I must have looked like a emotionless psycho path.

"Aki!" People were yelling but why couldn't I hear them.

"Stop!" Again, they yelled and I just stabbed the man in the leg and he was almost dead and in a hell of a lot of pain.

"Aki." They said it quieter, and I stopped, I just stopped everything right there. Dropping the kunai I was holding I took off my mask.

"I can't. I just don't know." I spoke and ended the mans life. Well, that was the task.

"Aki.." I recognised the voice. I couldn't be more glad that she was here, I needed her more than anyone right now.

"Ash.." saying her name I was soon crushed in a hug. I hugged back and she patted my head.

"You don't have to worry okay? They won't take you back, your safe." She assured me and I looked up at her.

"Thank you." I turned to see Taki and Allie looking at the man I killed.

"Well you did our mission for us." Allie laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Ash, why are you back in the village?" I asked and she winked.

"I came to settle some things with mother and father. I was going to head to Konoha afterwards to tell you something." She looked excited and Moni suddenly appeared, panting hard.

"Oh you found her!" He hugged me and I laughed.

"Nice to see you again Moni." I greeted and he ruffled my hair. "So want to tell me now?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Let's go back to the village and I'll tell you there." She said and I nodded.

I quickly got my mask and we finished everything we needed to while Moni and Ash visited my mother and father.

We had finally reached the gates of the village where Lady Tsunade was waiting. She quickly looked guilty and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Aki, I forgot." She apologised and I shook my head.

"It's okay, I got to see my sister again." I gestured to ash who waved and smiled. Lady tsunade sighed in relief before I noticed team Gai and my team stood there too and I tackled Yurimae.

"Hi Aki sensei!" My team greeted and I smiled.

"It's good to see you guys again." I grinned and someones arm found its way around my shoulders.

"I missed you Neji." I hugged him back but quickly got pulled off him by ash.

"So this is the guy eh? If you hurt her I will cut your hair off and strangle you with it, okay?" She finished her sentence with a sweet smile and Moni face palmed.

"Ash." I whined and she rolled her eyes. Neji looked a little taken back but nodded.

"I wouldn't do that." He assured her and she smiled genuinely.

"Well, since I've met the guy, I can tell you now." She said excitedly. She took a deep breath and smiled. "I know it's going to be on your birthday but...I'd like you to be my maid of honour." She finished and I stood dumbfounded for a second.

"You getting fucking married?!?" I grinned excitedly and I tacked her into a hug.

"Congrats." Neji told Moni as me and ash began endlessly talking about the wedding.

"What did you need to sort out with mother and father?" I asked and she sighed.

"I told them that I'm cutting all contact with them. I didn't tell them about the wedding either." She explained and I nodded.

"Well, we have a lot of work to do." I announced and dragged Yurimae and Tenten along with me and Ash. I was going to recruit Sakura, Ino and Hinata too. "I can't believe your getting married." I sighed happily, finally, things were going well again.

Lady Tsunade: your getting a little too excited. *stares at banner saying 'we love Moni x Ash'*
Akane: I know but I'm sad! *anime cries*
Lady tsunade: whys that?
Akane: there's only two chapters left of this story! *sits in emo corner*
Lady tsunade: then be happy that it's gonna go great! *tries to be supportive but is really very drunk*
Akane: okay! I don't own Naruto!

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