Chapter 21

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"ASH!" I chased my sister done the streets of the sand village.

I came here 1 month ago to cover my trail from my parents. Living with my sister and her boyfriend has been fun.

'Nati' is the name I'm going by to everyone else except those two. I made friends with a girl called matsuri but I only saw her a occasionally.

"Nati~" my sister sang and I laughed.

"Stop running!"

"Stop chasing me!" She called back. It's been soooooo annoying not being able to be a ninja here, but Nati is an average citizen. I started working with my sister in a book store, I helped out the customers.

"Okay okay, we're here." She stopped out side the store and we entered.

I miss my old home and everyone in it. But for sure, I'm going back, I just don't know when.

~ Time Skip ~

"Hey Ash?" I walked into the living room, still sniffling a little.

"Hey - Aki what's wrong?" She ushered me to sit down and I did so.

"I miss them." I told her and she smiled comfortingly.


"All my friends, Ketsu, Neji, everyone." I explained and she rubbed my back.

"Hey it's okay, listen, you've been here for 5 months now, don't you think it's time to head back?" she asked and I sighed.

"Not yet. As much as I want to, mother and father are persistent." I told her and she nodded.

"Well look, I think you should stay for a year or so okay?" She suggested and I nodded in agreement.

~ Meanwhile in the leaf village ~

"So how long do you think Aki will stay where ever she is?" Shizune asked lady tsunade.

"If I know her and her family, they are persistent, I'm betting on a year." She proclaimed and Shizune sweat dropped.

"But you always loose your bets." She mumbled and lady tsunade slammed her hand on to the desk breaking it.

"What?!" She yelled and Shizune ran with Tonton.

Mini A/N! Hey guys! Because I want to get on with this little twist and stuff, I'm gonna be doing quite a big time skip of 1 year. I know I know, I don't like doing huge time skips but I feel like I would waste too many chapter writing it. Hope you understand!

~ Time Skip, One year later ~

"So Gaara, got any other work need doing?" I asked the Kazekage himself. That's right, Gaara was the Kazekage and Nati was his assistant.

Jeez, one year has flown by, seriously. No one knows I'm Aki yet except from Moni and Ash.

"If you could, can you take this scroll to kankuro?" He handed me a black scroll and I nodded.

"Sure." I skipped out of the room and headed to where kankuro was.

"Hey kan-" I started but saw everyone freaking out.

"There's been an invasion in the village! You were just with Gaara, what was he doing?" He asked me frantically and I realised.

"Shit! He told me to come give this to you, he wanted a distraction!" I ran back to his office with kankuro.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now