The First Scream

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-Carly's POV-

     I stepped out of my little black car into the school parking lot. Today was my first day at Lakewood High. I moved here all the way from Utah. Yea I know what your thinking, why would you move into a town that has a history of murders?  Well, I've been wondering that myself recently.

       I made my way up to the front doors of my new school. As I opened the door, 2 boys came running out, one chasing the other. I ignored them and pulled out my schedule.

"Let's see..." I said to myself, "My locker number is D123."   I looked up from my schedule,only to run into a girl.

"Ow!" We both said, dropping our things on the ground.  "Oh I'm sorry" I said bending over to pick up my things.

   "It's fine, but watch where your going next time." The girl said narrowing her eyes at me. She has really short dark hair. I loved her haircut. She was also really small,but looked like she could take out 3 guys in one punch.

    I looked up and her and smiled. "My names Carly. Carly Parker." I told her.
"Audrey." She said sternly.
    "Oookay. Well uhh, could you tell me where to find Mr.Bransons class?" I asked looking down at my schedule. She looked at me with a small smile and said, "I'm going there too, follow me."

    I followed Audrey to a classroom that was already full of kids. Audrey made her way to the back of the room, leaving only one more seat opened. Taking the seat that was pretty much so in the middle of the classroom, I set my bag down on the floor. I'm the new kid, so I don't know anyone yet. It was kinda awkward.

     I look over to my left, and there was a boy who already seemed to be looking at me. "Hi, my names Noah" The boy said, reaching out his hand. Taking it, I say, " Carly Parker. Nice to meet you."

     "So your new here right? I mean just cause I've never seen you around." Noah says, obviously nervous. I smiled at him and said, "yea, I just moved from Utah." 
      His eyes grew big and said, "Utah, man that's a long ways." I gave him a small nod as the teacher walked into the room.


The rest of the class was kinda boring. The teacher brought up horror movies turning into a television series, and Noah turned it into a debate. The bell was about to ring when someone had said a girl named Nina Patterson had died. Everyone seemed shocked, even though I didn't know who she was.

     And that's why I'm here, in mandatory grievances counciling.
  I was sat by Noah,who was to my left, and Audrey, to my right. " I don't think I need to be here- miss why am I here?" Noah says to a teacher walking by, who just ignores him. "Yea, pretty sure that's the mandatory part of mandatory grievances counciling." Some girl says. She was really pretty. I think her name was Emma.

     They all continued talking about Nina, but I kinda zoned out. I honestly didn't care. I mean, I felt bad for the girl and her family but I didn't know her. I was snapped out of my daze when Audrey and Noah pulled my up from our seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked them. "To the Bat Cave." Noah said dramatically.

    "Yea, and since your the only one here with a car..." Audrey starts. "You want me to drive you." I finish.

   "Yep. And because your new. You need some friends!" Noah says.  I look at him, eyes narrowed. "Fine. I guess I could use some friends." I say, managing to get a small chuckle out of the both of them.

"I call shotgun!" Audrey states, sprinting off for the car. How do they even know that it's my car? "No no no! Not fair!" Noah says running after her.

   I reach the car and jump into the drivers seat. Audrey won the fight over the passenger seat. I looked back to see a defeated Noah. "Suck it up buttercup. Maybe you'll get it next time." I tell him. Audrey laughs along with me. "Ok, we just found our new best friend." Audrey says. Noah nods in agreement.

      I look over at her than smile. "Wait, how did you guys know this was my car?" I ask them. I look back at Noah who has eyes as big as the moon, and Audrey says, "because this morning we saw you get out. I think Noah had to wipe some drool off his mouth as much as he was staring."

    Noah let out a groan. Audrey looks back and taunts him "Noah's got a cruuuushh." She says. A crush? On me?? I mean, I wouldn't call myself ugly, but I wouldn't say I'm pretty either. I have light brown hair and grey-blue eyes. I'm about 5'4 and I'm pretty slim in the waist. "Hey, Carly? Wanna snap out of your daydream and start the car?" Audrey says.

"Right, sorry. Off to the bat cave." I say, starting the car.

End of chapter one! Is this story good? Im kinda just writing it for fun, but if I start getting lots of people reading it than I will probably try to make it better.

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