Chapter 16

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Carly's POV

"Hey! Zoe, just the person I was looking for" I say, walking up to her in the hallways.

"Oh, hey Carly. What's up?" She looks surprised to see me.

I smile softly, "Well, uh- I know when we first met, I wasn't the nicest person to you."

"For obvious reasons" She chuckles. I give her a short nod before continuing.

"Yea.. well that's not who I am. I want to try and be friends, if that's okay with you?" I place my hands on the straps of my backpack

She grins, "I would love that!"

I let out a laugh when she wraps her arms around me, squeezing me tightly.

"We're gonna have sleepovers, paint each others nails, and talk about boys! Well, maybe the last one can wait a little longer than the other, but this is going to be amazing" She speaks quickly, very excited.

"Okay. Well text me later and we can make plans for this weekend or something?" I tell her

"Defiantly. See you later Carly!" She struts down the hall with a wide grin on her face.

I shake my head with a smile, happy to make amends with Zoe.

"Oh it's okay, she'll forgive me just like we did. That's what you told me!" Audrey shouts at Noah and I. This morning, Emma shoved Audrey into the lockers and told her she blames Audrey for the killings. Audrey didnt get a chance to tell Emma about the murders, someone sent her an email of Noah's podcast.

"Because that's what I thought! Seriously I could never imagine that it would go this bad." Noah defends himself

"Yeah well I did! Okay? You've never felt Emma's rejection! It's hardcore, and now she hates me and Kieran hates me and Brooke hates me. There's no coming back from this!" Audrey paces around the room.

"I'll talk to her" I sigh, wanting this argument to be over with.

"Like that will work, she doesn't trust you either! You're just some girl who moved into town right when the murders started! Ironic right?" Audrey spits out, narrowing her eyes at me.

I let out a scoff, taking her words in.


"No, you're right. I'm just the girl that moved in and decided to kill everyone. It's great to know what you really think of me" I cut her off, trying to not cry in front of her.

I storm past her, shoving her off of me when she grabs my arm.

"Carly wait" Noah shouts to me. I ignore him, slamming the classroom door behind me.

Since I'm mad at every single one of my friends, I ditched school and went home. Pulling into my driveway, I notice my moms car is gone. She's probably just out looking for another job.

I take my key and put it in the lock, discovering the front door is already unlocked. My poor mom is under so much stress, she forgot to lock the door. I walk in and make my way to the kitchen to make something to eat.

As I get out the bread, my phone begins to ring. I pull it from my pocket and read the caller and 'Unknown'

"Hello?" I bring it to my ear.

"Hello Carly, would you like to play a game?" The monotone voice asks. I widen my eyes, and my stomach turns.

"Who is this?" I ask, beginning to panic. I make my way over to the knife drawer and pull out the sharpest knife there is.

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