Chapter 12

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800+ READS OML THANK YOU ALL SOSOSOSO MUCH. I honestly thought that this story would never even see 100 reads. Love you all sooooo much.

Carly's POV

Audrey, Noah, and I walked into the school and went to Mr.Branson's class. We walked in and took our seats as Mr.B walked in. He told us to get with our scene partners and work out our scenes. I was paired up with a guy named Rob.

He chose to do the scene from the fault in our stars. Honestly, I couldn't care less about this stupid project. I ended up blanking out as he was going over lines. I look over at Noah, who is now paired with Will and Audrey.

I begin to stare at him as he looks down and smiles at Audrey. I smile at him, even though he's not looking.

"You like him don't you?" Rob says, snapping me out of my daze.

"What? Noah? No!" I respond. I feel my cheeks reddening as I hold eye contact with Rob.

"Say what you want, but it's pretty obvious that you like him." Rob tells me, kicking his legs up into the table.

"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes.

"Well, I say go for it. It looks like he likes you too." Rob recommends

"How- how do you know that?" I ask confused.

"Oh because he's staring at you as we speak." Rob says as I turn my head around.

Noah makes eye contact with me before giving me a small smile. I feel my heart begin to beat faster. I smile back before turning around, my cheeks becoming red.

"Told you." He said as the classroom door opens.

The women who is replacing the sheriff reveals herself from the hallway.

"Can I help you?" Mr.Branson asks the cops.

"Yes sir you can. We have some questions for one of your students." The cop says.

I quickly turn to look at Noah. He gives me a concerned look and looks back at the cops. I do the same.

"Audrey Jenson." He says. I feel myself hold my breath.

What?!?! I turn to look at her. She looks just as surprised as I do.

"We need you to come with us."

Audrey looks up to Noah, and then to me. She then gets out of her seat and follows the cops. I watch Audrey go out the door and the cops follow her.

I look at Brooke, who is giving me a look that says why her?

I give her a shrug in response as the bell rings.

Noah and Emma run to me and grab my arm,pulling me out of the classroom. We run down the hallway and come to the music room door.
We walk in and move to the center of the classroom.

"What the heck could the cops want from Audrey." Noah says as I cross my arms.

"I don't know maybe they just want to ask her some questions about Rachel." Emma suggests.

"That's a phone call. Not a walk out of class." I say to them.

"Mr.Branson. We found out the webcam mauware came from his homework server and he's using a fake name." Noah tells Emma.

"Wait. Mr.Branson brings his soup to school in a thermos." Emma says chuckling.

"Villains have to eat too. Kingpin eats, the joker, bane, probably doesn't because of his mask but it's probably some sort of nutri-"

"Hey. Can we focus for one second?" I say, putting my hand on Noah's shoulder.

"Yes sorry." He nods.

"Well, Mr.B may have seen us on his laptop if he thought we could expose him maybe he found s way to implicate Audrey as payback." Noah says right as someone opens the door.

We all look to the door to see the one and only Seth Branson.

"Mr Branson. Hey hi. Umm." Noah mumbles. Way to play it cool, nerd.

"Emma Carly and I were just, talkin scenes." Noah tells Mr B.

"Well that's actually what I wanted to discuss. Considering your propensity for speeches, I'm considering monologue." Branson says to Noah, obviously angry.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm kinda shy." Noah grins, earning a chuckle from me.

"Well, let me show you some options." Branson says as he pulls Noah out of the room

I wave to Noah and quickly look to Emma.

"Do you think he heard us?" I ask her.

"Yep. Defiantly." She responds.


Me and Emma wait for Noah outside of Mr.B's class. I stand anxiously, worrying for Audrey. What could the cops want with her?

The door of Bransons class opens and Noah steps out. Me and Emma leave our spot by the lockers and make our way over to him.

"Henry the fifth and napoleon dynamite. Gotta admit Branson so gets my deep seated hero conflict." Noah tells us.

"Cool. We were ready to call 911." I say.

"Maybe Audrey was right about Branson being innocent. Maybe he's not a psychopath. If Tyler loaded the mauware for Nina and a Student aid, Mr.B could just be this innocent pawn." Noah explains.

"His fake name?" Emma questions.

" I actually got that covered. I asked Mr.B to input his number onto my phone in case I had questions about monologues. I programmed this app to record his finger prints." Noah says, showing us his phone.

"We can trace the past." Emma figured out.

"We can find out if our beloved Mr.White is actually Heisnburg." Noah says.

Emmas phone rings, the caller ID being unknown.

"Don't answer it!" Noah pleas.

"That has proven not to be an option." Emma says answering the phone and walking away.

I step a little closer go Noah. He puts his arm around my waist and I lean on his shoulder.

"She's gonna be ok right? They aren't gonna put her in jail?" I ask him

"No. We won't let that happen." He comforts me.

Somehow, when Noah tells me this, it calms me down. He releases me as he hears Emma say Audrey's name.

We both look at Emma, waiting to hear what Audrey is telling her.

"We gotta go to Audrey's house. Fast." Emma tells us.

I decide not to ask questions, as she will probably explain in the car.

Noah and I follow Emma in a run, on a mission to save our friend.

End of chapter 12. I'm not to happy with this chapter whatsoever but it will have to do for now :)

Once again thank you all for 800 reads. It literally makes me so happy that people enjoy my story and come back to read more. I love y'all <3

I also am working on a The Walking Dead Fanfic right now. I have chapter one ready.. Should I publish it?

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