Chapter 8

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Carly's POV
  I woke up to a sharp pain in my head and my stomach. I looked around me, and it looked to be a hospital. It was dark, and looked like no one had been here in 10 years. I tried to move my hands, only to realize that they were tied up.

"Help! Someone help me!" I yelled out. I'm so dumb. Have I not seen one horror movie in my entire life?

   The pain in my stomach was getting much worse, so I decided to look. Blood was oozing out of a huge slash on my stomach. It looked pretty deep. I let out a whimper, and closed my eyes.

"This isn't real." I told myself, trying to believe it. I heard a loud noise, causing me to open my eyes.

   I couldn't decide whether to shout or stay quiet. So, stay quiet it is. That could be the killer for all I know!

I felt myself getting weaker, and my eyes started to drop. Fighting the urge to go to sleep, I tried to listen to the talking that was coming from the other room.

   "Well this can't be good." I heard the voice say. That sounds really Familiar.

I tried to call out, but no words came out of my mouth. I was loosing blood. Fast.

   This is it. This is where I die were the only words going through my mind.

I can see them. It looks like, Audrey and Emma?? Yes! They are in the room across from me. I tried my hardest to get their attention, but still, no words came out.

    I felt myself get even more sleepier. I have to fight it, they are right there! Their voices feel like they are getting farther and farther away. I wake up a little more to a loud bang. Opening my eyes, I see Emma and Audrey hiding.

That's when I see what they are hiding from. A guy holding a flashlight. Most likely the killer. He's getting closer to Emma. The pain in my stomach is easing up. Is that good or bad?

    The guy with the flashlight pulls back the curtain, and Audrey jumps at him.

"Noah?" Audrey yells.

    "Did you just try to tase me?" Noah questioned. I sit up more at the sound of his voice. I have to try again.

"H-he-" I manage to whisper. I hear silence.

   "Did you guys hear something?" Emma asks them.

I hear footsteps coming closer to me.

   "Oh my god, Carly!" Noah shouts. I smile weakly at him as he rushes over to untie me.

"What happened to you? Oh, your stomach is really bad." Noah says, looking at Emma and Audrey.

   "Thanks captain obvious." I whisper, hardly audible. He gives me a sympathetic smile and picks me up bridal style. Butterflies ran throughout my whole body. Seriously Carly? Your about to die and the one thing going through your mind is Noah holding you?

    "We gotta get her out of here." Emma says.  Noah looks down at me, obviously very worried.

  "Your gonna be ok. Stay with me." He says, pulling me a bit closer to him.

  We all start running down the hallway when Emma tells us to stop.

"Ninas laptop." She says.

   "Ok. Clearly we have bigger issues here." Noah says, looking down at me. My eyes meet his for a long time. His eyes are filled with fear, fear of loosing another person that he loves.

  They start looking through the files when I start to loose consciousness.

"Noah."I whisper very quietly.

   "Yea?" He says looking down at me.

"I had a crush on you since the first time I saw you." I told him, a small smile on my face as I felt myself slipping away.

   "No. No Carly stay with me please!" I heard him say on the verge of tears, when I lost consciousness.

    I opened my eyes and shot up. Wrong choice. I immediately clutched my stomach in pain. I look to my left and see Noah, sitting in a chair with his head on my hospital bed.  I lay back down on my pillow as he sits up.

  "Oh thank god." He said looking into my eyes. They were bloodshot and watery. Was he seriously crying?

"You were crying over me? Come on. You can't get rid of me that easily." I told him with a small chuckle.

  He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I looked at him confused, but held his hand.

"So what happened? You know after I passed out." I asked Noah.

   "Well. Emma took all the files off of Ninas computer with the SD card from Audrey's camera. We heard other people in the building, so we took off running. That's when we found the Brandon James mask. Audrey picked it up and Tyler's head fell out of it. We screamed and the cops found us. Now we are here. You've been out for 7 hours."

   I looked at him in shock, not knowing what to say. I knew it wasn't Tyler.

"So uh, am I gonna have a cool scar?" I ask curiously. In response, I get a chuckle.

   "What happened to you? How did you get in that hospital." Noah asked me. Why did he still look terrified? I'm fine dude.

"Well I got home from school and got attacked by a person with a mask. Then I got hit in the head with a vase and got knocked out. I woke up in the hospital, tied up." I explained to him. His jaw tensed up, and he looked mad.

    "I'm just glad your ok." He said smiling at me. Ah, he's so cute. Oh my gosh. Now I remember what I said before I lost consciousness.

"What's wrong?" He asked, obviously seeing that I am very embarrassed.

  "Uh, just, I remember what I told you before I lost consciousness and now I feel very stupid because obviously you don't feel that way about me and-" I'm cut off by Noah talking.

"Carly. I feel the same way." Noah tells me, grinning like an idiot. I smile at the fact that he likes me as well, and that he never knows what to say.

   "Oh Noah. You do have a way with words." I say, tightening my grip on his hand. He gives me a playful shove in return.

  "I'm kinda tired. I think I'm gonna go back to sleep." I tell Noah.

    "Okay. I'll be right here." He tells me, letting go of my hand.

I close my eyes with a smile on my face, and drift off to sleep.

End of chapter 9! Eh, sucky chapter but hey! Carly told Noah that she likes him!

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