Chapter 7

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Carly's POV

  "This is my cousin Eli, feel free to ignore him" Kieren approaches Noah, Audrey, and me with a short blonde headed kid.

"Hello" I greet him with a smile.

  "This is Audrey, Carly, and Noah." Kieren tells him, sounding annoyed.

"Hey man. First day huh?" Noah makes conversation.

"School is school." Eli shrugs.

"Sure. Except in this school people get killed by knife welding maniacs every twenty years, give or take" Noah jokes, not a very funny joke. I look to the ground wide eyed.

  Someone comes out from the corner, grabbing Audrey and I.

"Girls only moment" The person is Brooke, guiding us away with Emma on her other arm.

She guides us into the bathroom, where we make our way to the mirrors.

"So," she starts with a sigh "out of no where, Branson hits me up this morning."

  We all look at her confused as she continues on.

"Yea. He said he heard Jake and I broke up."

"Woah, how did he hear that?" Emma crosses her arms.

"Yea. Barely anyone knew you were together" I add

  "What is it with men from the past mysteriously showing up" Audrey adds as I look at her confused

Emma shakes her head as Audrey looks up with wide eyes.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Emma's deadbeat dad resurfaced too" Audrey announces

  "Okay not cool. That is a totally different thing. I was also not ready to share that!" Emma raises her voice.

"You weren't gonna share it with me? Or Carly?" Brooks looks hurt.

"The person I heard this morning wasn't exactly supportive so.." Emma rolls her eyes

"And how was your breakfast this morning?" Audrey shouts

  "It went well." Emma sounds genuine.

"Oh I can tell that's 100% not true" Audrey shoots, surprising me.

  "Okay are you two, legit fighting?" Brooke points back and forth.

"No it's fine, just, Audrey has some unflattering opinions about my dad. That's all." Emma pushes her hair behind her ear.

"No, they're memories, not opinions. And sometimes, maybe people are going through big things that have absolutely nothing to do with you Emma. Big shocker!" Audrey storms out of the bathroom, leaving me shocked. How could she just keep all this bottled up, not telling me and Noah? Is that what's wrong with her?

  "I- I'm gonna go" I point to the door, walking out.

"Noah!" I shout, chasing him down the hallway.

  "Hey" He smiles, putting his arm across my shoulders. "What's up?"

"Audrey is what's up" I groan.

  "What now?" He looks down to me.

"She's acting strange recently. Like in the bathroom she exploded on Emma about her dad being back in town" I explain.

"Emma's dad's back?" He is surprised.

"Not the point right now" I pat his chest.

"Whenever that crescent Palms guy just suddenly changed his personality after the phone call, Audrey just so happens to show up? What if that was her on the phone?" I plot.

"Audrey? The accomplice? No way" Noah doubts me.

"I'm not saying she's the accomplice, I'm just- I think she knows something."

"Alright. I'll investigate farther" He grins, making me chuckle.

"I'll see you after school. Love you"He pecks my lips.

"Love you too" I mumble, walking the opposite direction.

I wait with Noah outside of the movie theater when someone shouts his name from behind us.

"Hey Noah! You here for some B-movie action?" Gustavo reveals himself.

"Yep. Just meeting up with some folks." Noah grins.

Stavo nods to me, and I give him a small wave.

"If you have a second, I've been listening to the podcast." Of course he has.

"Oh, fan of the morgue huh?" Noah is impressed

"Yep. It sounds like you're making real progress with this whole Piper accomplice thing." Stavo compliments him.

  "Thank you." Noah shows his goofy smile.

"You're welcome. I was just wondering, what if you do find someone? Don't you think he, or she, or even they, won't be happy about it?" Stavo makes Noah think.

"That means you get hurt. Or worse" He flames down to me, then back to Noah. I wrap my arm around Noah's.

"Okay. Okay, food for thought." Noah smiles.

"Uh oh. Here comes trouble" Stavo says as I hear giggles from behind us.

Brooke! And.. Zoe. Brooke brought Zoe?

  "Here we are!" Brooke laughs.

"Oh hey!" Noah greets.

"Did you invite him?" Brooke's smile fades as she looks to Stavo.

"No. uh, where's everyone else?" Noah asks as he intertwined our fingers.

"Oh it's just me. And Zoe, you two know eachother right?" Brooke asks as I stare at her like shakes crazy

"Yea, a little bit. Ish" Noah glances at me

"Kind of yeah" Zoe adds.

They all awkwardly chuckle as Brooke nudges Zoe.

"Um, so. Did you do the reading for AP English yet?" Zoe asks Noah as I still have a look on my face.

"Of mice and men? Wow. Oh my god. In what world, does strangling a rabbit get you a bullet to the head?" Zoe continues as we all stand in silence.

"Ahh, spoiler alert. I didn't actually.." Noah tries to cover his ears.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ruin it for you." Zoe speaks quickly. At least I don't have to read the book now.

"That's okay it doesn't matter" Noah reassures her.

"I'm just gonna speed this up a little bit, Noah if you're smart, you'll ask Zoe out" As Brooke says these words, I can feel my blood boil.

"Uh, I think that's what I'm here for?" I glare at Her.

Noah looks down at me, then back to Zoe.

"Carly, I- I didn't mean-"

"No. Just, have fun on you're double date. I don't feel like watching a movie anymore" I cut Zoe off as I begin to walk away.

"Carly wait" Noah grabs my arm.

"Goodnight Noah. I'll see you tomorrow" I pull my arm away, storming to my car.

I go home, and try to call Jake. He's the only one I have left to talk to right now. Then I remember, Jake has been MIA and it would be a miracle if he answered.

I threw my phone across the room, trying to fight back the tears.

How could Brooke do this to me? Did she just suddenly forget that I was dating Noah?

All I know is I'm tired and ready to go to sleep

End of chapter seven!

Trouble in Narly land 😳

Also, I'm thinking about writing a Glee fanfic. I have some good ideas for it, but i would like to know if you would read it. Please give me your input!

Thanks for reading!

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