Chapter 13

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Okay so I published my TWD fanfic. It's called Sydney Dixon. It would mean a lot if you guys would look at it, but it's fine if you don't. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter!

Carly's POV

So Audrey wanted us to find a memory card from August 30th and destroy it. Something valuable is on that card, because she doesn't want us to watch it.

    We jumped out of  Emmas car and ran to the back of Audrey's house.

"Man. They used to keep a spare key here." Emma says, picking up one of the plants 

    "Yea. We used to leave our back door unlocked. Then a serial killer happened" Noah told us, earning a death glance from Emma.

"Alright. On to plan B." I let them know.

   "Love me some plan B. What is it?" Noah asks.

I pick up the clay bird and start smashing a panel of glass.

   "Hope there's no alarm." Noah reminds me.

I break the glass just enough to stick my hand in and unlock the door. I then go in, followed by Noah and Emma.

  We quickly run up the stairs to Audrey's room

"Where does she keep her SD cards?" Emma asks us.
   "What do we look like, her personal assistants?" Noah shoots back as we search the room.

"Well you look like you might know where she keeps her SD cards." Emma tells us.

  Ignoring her, I start searching through more drawers.

"Wait! That's elvish." Noah tells Emma as she pick up a huge sword.

   "Great." Emma says sarcastically as she opens the drawer with it.

"There they are!" I scream, a little bit to excited.

   I hear car doors shutting as Noah looks out the blinds.

"Got it." Emma lets us know.

   "Awww frack! We got the police here we gotta get out!" Noah tells us.

"Emma now!" I holler.

  "She says she files them neatly." Emma says as she straightens up the cards.

I follow behind Noah as he creeps into the hallway. We run back into her room as the cops come up the stairs.

"The window." I whisper.

    Noah climbs out the window first, then grabs my hand to help me out. Emma quickly follows as we jump off the roof and run to the car.

"We did it!"I scream excitedly.

    "Yea. Let's go destroy it." Noah says, driving off to his work.


  I'm standing behind the desk next to Noah, watching Emma. She is about to break the SD card with a hammer.

"I can't." Emma says, handing me the hammer.

  I shrug before picking up the hammer and drive it down onto the SD card. The only think that stops me is Noah's hands. He grabs my arm, and pulls the hammer out of my hands.

   "No can do. I feel like froto with the ring in mount doom. I mean what do you think is on there?" Noah questions.

"I don't know." Emma tells us.

   "Obviously something Audrey doesn't want us to see." I imply.

"I don't want to real her trust, but whatever is on there must make her look really guilty." Emma hints

   "Of what? Murdering four people including her girlfriend? Do you have any idea how Japanese game show crazy that sounds?" Noah shouts.

"There's one thing I can't shake." Emma says uneasily.


"That guy. Who has been calling me, he should be rubbing this in my face right now but since Audrey was taken in I haven't gotten one call." Emma says as her phone ironically rings.

     "Mom?" Emma relieves, answering her phone.

"What? No. Of course not. Okay." She says, hanging up 

    "Detective Brock wants to see me at the sheriffs station." Emma lets us know.

I look over at Noah in shock, as he grabs my hand for support. Emma then leaves the room, heading to the sheriffs station.

   "You really don't think this could be Audrey?" I ask him.

"Only one way to find out."


   We wait for Emma to get back before watching the video. She places the card into some sort of nerdy tech thing.

"Are you sure about this?" Noah asks.

  "I'd rather know than wonder." Emma tells us  

"Gotta be honest. I still have some moral ambivalence" Noah says nervously.

   "No ones making you watch it" I tell him.

"Well, I wouldn't want you guys to carry that burden all by yourselves."

   "Look. Noah. We just want the truth." Emma sympathies.

"Okay. Truth." Noah says nervously as he grabs my hand.

  I look over and give him a smile, telling him it's going to be ok.

  When the video starts, it is a video of Audrey being filmed by Rachel.

"You need to see yourself. You don't even know Nina did this." Rachel tells her.

   "Of course she did it! She has been torturing me my entire life, not anymore!" Audrey screams, making me squeeze Noah's hand.

"Hey if we do this we are even worse than Nina." Rachel says calmly.

  "So what! I'm supposed to just keep taking it? Screw that! People like Nina dump on everyone and you know what happens to them? Nothing!" She spits out.

"They marry billionaires and wear Prada and their climate trashing yachts because karma doesn't just happen! Sometimes you have to take it into your own hands." Audrey yells starting the car

   "Audrey please!" Rachel begs.

"Tonight, I'm going to destroy her and I'm coming for that sorry Bitch! When I'm done, she'll never bully anyone ever again." Audrey keeps going.

  "I said turn that off!" Audrey spits, slapping the camera out of Rachel's hands, ending the video.

I lay my head on Noah's shoulder, wanting to unsee what I just saw.

End of chapter 13!

In case you were wondering when Narly will be coming, soon my fellow friends. Soon.

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