Chapter 19

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Carly's POV

   "Mom I'm home!" I shouted as I walked in the door.

At no answer, I suspect she's still at work. It's a shame really, I haven't seen her in a few days. After my dad passed, she picked up extra shifts to make money.

  If you think about it, my mom is the only one I have left. Other than my friends of course. Lucas was the one I counted on to give me input about a boy I like, or a girl that was swooning over him. After he was gone, I depended on my mom. Now I barely see her.

I decide to go up to my room and retire for the night.

   Noah and Audrey found evidence on Mr.Branson. Or should I say, Palmer. Apparently Branson had an affair with a student when he taught. He moved here with a different last name. They also found a knife in his air vents.

I decided to stay out of this one and let them go alone. As I'm walking down the hall, I get a text from Brooke saying that she's been attacked and to meet her at the hospital.

I quickly make my way out of the school and go the hospital to see Brooke.

  "Oh my god are you ok?" I walk over to Brooke, where she is getting stitches in her arm.

"Yea. I just, fell for another one of Seth Bransons tricks." She tears up.

  I give her a side hug and she lays her head on my arm.

"I'm just glad you're ok." I let her know.

She gives me a smile before saying, "How's Noah?"

"He's okay. I've only talked to him once today. He's a little busy being a detective." I laugh.

Brooke rolls her eyes, chuckling at my comment. Emma walks in the room to let us know she can take us home.

"I'm just really glad you're ok. You must have been terrified" Emma tells Brooke from the drivers seat. I'm stuck in the back, as usual.

"It was. I can't believe that Seth could do any of those things." Brooke mutters

  "Well maybe he's not who we thought he was." I say from the back, remembering Noah's theory.

Maybe I was wrong about Branson. Maybe is really is the killer.

  "Yea. He is literally a different person." Emma agrees.

"That doesn't make everything about him a lie!" Brooke gets angry.

  "I wouldn't be so sure." Emma disagrees as I slouch back in my seat.

Brooke looks at Emma in shock as Emma says, "why didn't you ever tell us?"

  "Because you knew I would get all judgey" Brooke snaps.

"Brooke we aren't judging!" I remind her.

  "After all we have been through I just want to make sure you're actually seeing this clearly!" Emma agrees with me.

"Are you seeing it clearly? Cause after what happened to Will it seems like you just need to hold accountable." Brooke snaps.

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