Chapter 14

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Carlys POV

"Why did you make me watch? I can't unsee that now. I can't." Noah complained.

"It can't be how it looks." I tell them both.

"You mean how it looks like premeditated murder?" Noah says, quickly letting go of my hand.

"I mean it. I need like a men in black brain wipe." Noah continues to freak out.

"She was so angry"

"Noah we all know Audrey." Emma tells him.

"Yea we do. I always believed Audrey was capable of murder, but like, in a my best friend is awesome I'll never loose a bar fight way but"

"Noah." Emma says, cutting him off

"Your wrong. Okay?" I reassure him.

"Just take it and go. Please." He responds, shocking me

"I gotta think, and, I don't wanna hear."

Emma unplugs the SD card and walks out of the room. I sit on the couch a little longer, looking at Noah in disbelief. He lets out a deep breath as I follow Emma out of the room.

I decide to drive over to Brooke's house. She told me that she would explain what happened to her mom, and I needed to talk about Audrey.

"So basically, I'm convinced my dad killed my mother." Brooke finishes her story as she takes a seat on her bed.

"Oh my god." Is all I could muster out.

"And Will has been blackmailing my dad because he didn't get his stupid duke scholarship" Brooke says, obviously getting emotional.

"Hey.. It's ok." I walk over to her and give her a hug.

"Have you asked your dad about it?" I asked her.


As I let her go, my phone begins to ring.

My mom, telling me to come home.

"Hey brooke, my mom wants me home, but we can talk more about I tomorrow ok?"

She gives me a nod as I walk out of the room and out the door.

Audrey texted me last night saying Emma got her out of jail. The only thing on my mind as I drove to school was, who is the killer?

I had a few people in mind. The first was Piper Shaw. I mean come on, move to Lakewood as soon as the killings start? Sounds a little sketchy to me.

And as much as I hate to say it, Kieren Wilcox. It's a typical horror movie killer, get close to the main character to get her friends to trust you, then bam. Their dead

I jumped out of my car at school to see Emma kissing, you guessed it, Kieren. That's when the bell rings and I decide to walk by them go into the school.

"Audrey!" I yell, running up and pulling her into a hug.

"Hey." She laughs, hugging me.

We break the hug as we walk into Noah, wearing a shirt that says 'free audrey'.

"There's my convicted fellon" He jokes.

"I'm so glad my ordeal brought you such amusement" Audrey says as I walk on the Right of Noah, him being in the middle of me and Audrey.

"It would have brought me cold hard cash selling these bad boys, but then you got sprung early."

"Okay before you ask me about me about my shae shank redemption, no I didn't not get traded for a pack of cigarettes, or get chin checked. And i defiantly did not wear the four piece" Audrey lets us know.

"But you did Google prison slang." I joke.

"Yep. You got me." Audrey admits.

"Uh, I'm really glad your back. And you know, not a demented psychopath." Noah tells her.

"Jury's still out on that one." Audrey says making Noah nervously chuckle.

"But I'd still be there if it wasn't for Emma."

"Yea. She really came through." Noah smiles.

"Hey. So did you guys. Emma told me you went with her to watch that video. It must have really freaked you out" Audrey tells us.

"What? No! I mean, not that I even watched it." Noah says.

"Uh huh. Okay. So aside from these lovely mid terms I get to make up after school, what did I miss?" Audrey asks us.

Noah tells Audrey that we found nothing from Bransons finger print, noting that the malware wasn't active anymore. Also, Mr.Branson has a substitute today.

"The sub plot thickens! Get it?" Noah says, proud of himself as we enter our classroom.

After school I go with Noah to his work to hang out. Audrey had to take mid terms, so she was still at the school.

"So what are we." Noah asks me as soon as we step into the building.

"Woah, what?" I respond, shocked.

" I Sorry, I mean, it's just, I really like you and I wanted to know if.. If uh," Noah is at loss for words.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He mutters quickly.

I can feel my cheeks reddnen as the moment is cut off by Emma running into the room.

"Noah do you have any idea where Audrey is, she's not answering her phone." Emma questions.

"She's takin her mid terms that she missed. Her phones off. You ok?" He tells her.

"No. Not ok. Look will needs help." She says.

"Finding his moral compass?" Noah jokes.

"No finding his phone. Do you have any idea how to track it?"

"Yes. An app. Called, find my phone." Noah says sarcastically.

"Let's say he doesn't have that app." Emma pleads

"Well, I may be familiar with some GPS guidence software. But, why would I do tech support for him? Why would you?" Noah asks.

"So he doesn't die."


End of chapter 14!!


Omg guy... KIEREN IS THE FREAKING ACCOMPLICE?!?! I was definitely not expecting that.

And poor Eli! The whole time we was just trying to protect Emma from Kieren! :(

Any who I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Maybe next episode Carly will answer Noah's question ;).

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