Trip to the mountains! 3

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Today, the swords will continue their mishaps of their trip as they finally arrived.

Now, they leave the bus and start their hike to the hotel.

Gokotai: hold on... i feel like there is something missing..

Midare: huh?

Gokotai: *counts his tigers* 1...2..3..4..
That's odd..

Midare: don't you have 5 tigers?

Gokotai: *gasp* Oh no!! I LEFT THE 5TH TIGER !!

Midare: where did you last saw the 5th tiger?

Gokotai: idk! Maybe the train station!

Akita: what's going on?

Midare: Gokotai lost his 5th tiger.

Akita: WHAT!!? I just saw you play with it!

Gokotai: *checks his bags* not in here! *checks his clothes/hat* not in here either! And nothing like my tiger is following me too!!

Akita: oh no!!

Midare: let's check the station!!

Gokotai: okay!

Ichigo: what's going on?

Gokotai: Ichi-nii!! Thank goodness!! I lost my 5th tiger!! I checked everywhere! I can't see him!!

Ichigo: let's tell that to Takara.. *approaches her*

Gokotai: *crying* my tiger ;-;

Ichigo: Takara..

Takara: oh hey! How are you?

Ichigo: is it alright to go back to the train station?

Takara: why?

Ichigo: Gokotai lost one of his tigers.

Takara: WHAT!!? THE TIGER!! *clears throat* everyone let's move back.

Kogi: why??? -_-

Takara: not a time to complain!! Gokotai lost his tiger!!

Yoshiyuki: i saw him play with it just now. Yea.. let's go back.

Tsuru: he got's like... 5 of em... i guess it's alright..

Takara: *strangles him* do you realize what type of tiger that is!!? It's a white bengal tiger!! WHITE!! it only lives in snowy habitats! For hunters to find one, they have to climb over the snowy mountain tops, or die there JUST TO HAVE A WHITE TIGER TO EITHER KILL AND EAT THEM OR THEY, THE HUNTERS WOULD JUST DIE OF THE COLD SNOW WITH NOTHING TO EAT, NOTHING TO WEAR, AND NOTHING TO DRIK, AND NOTHING ELSE TO SEE BUT MONKEYS TAKING A BATH IN A HOT SPRING!! so you can't say it's alright.

Tsuru: but--

Takara: Tigers that Gokotai has would cost 10 million dollars!! And that is for the adult! WHAT IF IT IS A CUB!? IT WOULD BE BILLIONS!! IT'S A WASTE OF MONEY TO LOSE ONE LITTLE CUB!! YOU HEAR ME!! they are that rare!! So, when you think of Gokotai's tigers, you better think of it as 5 White Jiji's!!
Or 5 white Juzu's!!

Tsuru: we live in Japan. It-it-it's c-cold here...

Takara: Gokotai what kind of tiger are you taking care of?

Gokotai: sorry... you had it wrong.. it's an albino..

Takara: *soundless screaming* YOU HEAR THAT!!? IT'S AN ALBINO!! AN ALBINO ALL THIS TIME!! THE MORE IT BECOMES RARE!! It's like, refining You, Uguisu, Kousetsu, and Ichigo to one Jiji/Juzu.. then refine that to a Jiji.. then.. refine Kogi to that Jiji... then refine Hotaru to that Jiji... SO RARE!! Imagine that Jiji 5x!! It could kill a whole team of Kebishis in one blow!! AND LOSING ONE IS UNACCEPTABLE!!

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