Cast aways

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The swords and saniwas went on a vacation to an Island


Takara and Otegine got left behind.

Yuji: *biting his nails* shit man. What if she gets raped by him or anything?

Tsuru: she'll be ok. She's strong.

~~~~back at Island

Otegine: *calling for help*

Takara: *throws twigs at him* What's the point! You're only wasting your energy. -_-

Otegine: We must not give up!

Takara: dude. *lays down* idek anymore.

Otegine: Takara-chan...

Takara: -_- y'know what? This...this is stupid.

Otegine: Let's gather stuff to survive then.

Takara: *sigh* alright...


Otegine: what now?

Takara: we entertain ourselves?

Otegine: how?

Takara: idk. We should probably...

Otegine: hug?

Takara: play mahjong... -_-

Otegine: gosh you're pissed off.

Takara: who wouldn't be. We're stuck here for maybe...forever...

Otegine: *pouts* i wanna go home.

Takara: *sigh* me too. You know what, imma talk with you about stuff instead or maybe even try to build a boat.

Otegine: let's talk about stuff.

Takara: ok. Like what?

Otegine: like how your eyes shine beautifully tonight that i wanna hold you and kiss you right now.

Takara: .......wat.

Otegine: oh. That slipped.

Takara: i wanna talk about...who do you hate?

Otegine: *pouts* Nihoungou is mean.

Takara: *interested* why?

Otegine: he pushes me to do stuff i don't wanna do! ;A;

Takara: like drugs?

Otegine: what.

Takara: nothing.

Otegine: and he's super mean ;^;

Takara: i see.

Otegine: what about you?

Takara: Hasebe's annoying.

Otegine: really?

Takara: i don't even like him. He's like a doorman. Do you think he has a thing for me? Cause ew.

Otegine: why ew? Many girls would love him. Him, Mitsutada, and well, Jiji 

Takara: well, i'll never be like them.

Otegine: yea.

Takara: let's play a game?

Otegine: yea. I'm bored.

Takara: its called daisy apple. You go guess stuff only in one category. You repeat an answer, you lose.

Otegine: sounds good.

Takara: ok. Uh...kinds of places 

Otegine: Japan

Takara: China

Otegine: America

Takara: Russia

Otegine: Mongolia

Takara: Wales

Otegine: England

Takara: Canada

Otegine: France

Takara: Germany

Otegine: Italy

Takara: Denmark

Otegine: Thailand

Takara: Osaka

Otegine: the citadel ;^;

Takara: ok. Change topic -_-

Otegine: huh ;A;

Takara: types of anime

Otegine: One punch man

Takara: why.

Otegine: sorry.

Takara: Highschool dxd

Otegine: dragon ball

Takara: haikyuu

Otegine: kuroko no basuke

Takara: love live

Otegine: pretty rhythm

Takara: Attack on titan

Otegine: ....spirited away

Takara: Hakuoki

Otegine: touken ranbu ;^;

Takara: *wacks his head* Stop.

Otegine: sorry i just wanna go home now ;A;


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