know the difference.

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How normal saniwas sneeze....

Saniwa: *cute* achoo~! Scuze me~

Jiji: cute~!

*how Takara sneeze....

Kasen: *drinking tea*

Takara: enters..... *screams like a mountain could move* GYAAAAAAACK!!

Kasen: *jumped* *tea on his face*

Takara: *sniff* omg. *sniff* ~v~

*how other saniwas respond to Mitsutada...

Mitsutada: *Wall locking the saniwa*

Saniwa: *blushing*

Mitsutada: *smirks*

*how Takara responds

Mitsutada: *wall locks her*

Takara: CHEAA!! *pushes him karate-style*

Mitsutada: *ded*

*when Kogi carries them...

Saniwa: *blushing*

Kogi: *smirks*



Kogi: *slowly falls*

Takara: i'm sorry... i told you i'm that heavy...

Kogi: *ded*

*how Saniwas talk with their husband

Jiji: i love you until the end, Aruji-dono....

Saniwa: i love you too

Both: *sparkly eyes* *sakuras everywhere*


Takara: y'know what...

Otegine: wat?

Takara: centipedes are already gross...but then realizing there is a giant one... makes you wanna cry..

Otegine: no way... thats impossible.

Takara: its true! I knew this day'll come when gross stuff became grosser...

Otegine: the world's ruined.

Takara: your welcome.

Otegine: that joke gives me cancer.

Takara: keep dreaming.. *eye rolling* you're a spear...

Otegine: i know that ;w;

*how Hasebe helps with other Saniwas

Saniwa: *trying to get up*

Hasebe: *lifts her up and kisses her hand* my lovely master~

Saniwa: *blushing*


Takara: hey..... *milipedes everywhere* help me masacre them

Hasebe: What happened to "i cared for animals" !!?

Takara: correction... insects... correction...pests.... correction... kill them.

Hasebe: i ain't doin it.

Takara: *gives him Kashuu's slipper* do it bro.

*how tall they are...

Saniwa: *either Wakizashi height or even smaller*


Takara: *uchigatana-tachi height*

Shishiou: .....

Takara: lol. I'm taller than you..

Shishiou: i don't care!!

Takara: i'm 15... *being annoying*

Shishiou: *explodes*

*what Saniwas do in their spare time...
Saniwa: *hanging out with the swords until they accidentally got kissed by one of them*


Takara: *painting 5 canvases for 3 hours* *indian sitting*

Kashuu: can i be next?

Takara: sure.

Mitsutada: me too!

Takara: 100 yen.

Mitsutada: PAINT ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS. *strikes a pose*

Takara: wtf xD

*how they train the swords*

Saniwas: *supports them even in failing*


Gokotai: *collapsed after 1 push-up*
*crying* i can't do it!! ;w;

Takara: i'm sorry but... You're dead tiger.

Ichigo: *collapsed*

Takara: you're dead, Soul reaper.

Otegine: *backs out* i quit.

Takara: you're dead, Tokyo teddy bear.

Tonbo: *got tired after lifting a barbel*

Takara: you're dead, dragon fly

Kuri: *slacks off*

Takara: you're dead, Dragon Warrior

Mitsutada: *strips off to be able to escape*

Takara: you're dead, Candle Pikachuu

Mitsutada: WHAT.

*at battles

Saniwa: you can do this, boys!! I know you can!!

Swords: *smile* we won't let you down!


Takara: *attacks the kebishi with Kashuu* Lets get down to business!! To defeat...the huns!!

Swords: HECK YEA!!


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