Trip to the mountains 6

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The swords then went and entered the rooms, 5 people in each room.

He're the list of the events they entered:

Room 1- Sadako's revenge
Room 2- Haunted Japanese doll
Room 3- Slenderman's return
Room 4- The Fox in the twilight
Room 5- Corpse Party
Room6- Slendrina's returmn
Room7- Silent hill
Room8- Crying Cicada
Room9- dracula's mansion
Room10- freddy's pizzeria
Room11- zombie hospital

Yuno: okay everyone! Have fun~

Takara: i'll just join one of the rooms where they are... is it alright?

Yuno: if you say so... well... i guess it's fine.. let's draw lots then.. *offers her a box with rolled paper where the events are written*

Takara: *picks* hmm... Room... 4..

Yuno: oooh-!! Nice pick! Good luck to all of you ^v^

Takara: thank you. ((I wonder what this could be...))

Otegine: Takara-chan!! What room are you in?

Takara: Room 4...

Otegine: aww... we're not in the same room...

Takara: *pats his back* it's fine! You can do it!

Otegine: oi!! Don't be like that ;^;

Takara: what room are you?

Otegine: room 1... i'm getting scared already... i don't know what it's about..*shivering*

Takara: oooh... i'm curious what the other events are too. *gathers everyone*

All: what is it?

Takara: after everyone's finished, we must tell each other what our room's are about... tell each other.. no.. everyone what you're supposed to do and what did you do.

Hori: story telling?

Takara: exactly.

Fudou: welp. Good luck guyz.

*everyone is now inside their rooms and the game of each room starts.

*room 1.

*title screen: Sadako's revenge

Otegine: oh God... i wanna go home..

Tsuru: why am i even here ;^;

Mitsutada: y dis happen now

Hori: Kane-san!! Help me ;w;

Juzu: how....

*room 2

Title screen: Haunted Japanese doll

Nama: *screaming*

Yagen: why...

Akashi: *heavy breathing*

Hotaru: *hugs Akashi*

Aizen: *same*

Akashi: i...

*room 3

Title screen: Slenderman's return

Fudou: what am i supposed to do?

Ugui: *heavy breathing*

Jiji: wat.

Sada-chan: Mi-chan!! Halp!! ;w;

Hasebe: hush my child.

*room 4

Title screen: The fox in the twilight

Takara: i hate you Kogi.

Kogi: i'm sorry. -_-

Takara: don't you dare pounce at me in this game. You dare pounce at me i'll chop you to pieces.

Kogi: there are other yokai in this game. Just so you know.

Takara: i hate you too Imanotsurugi

Imanotsurugi: huh!? ;-;

Takara: you too Shishiou

Shishiou: why me?!

Takara: cause Nue

Shishiou: wat.

Takara: you too Naki.

Naki: double burn.

Kashuu: you're not alone.

Takara: o gawd. I'm surrounded with yokai swords

Kashuu: *sings Yokai watch song*

Takara: not now.

*room 5

Title screen: corpse party

Yasu: we all gonn die

Kuri: wat.

Ichigo: *crying*

Shinano: you failed Ichi-nii. You failed

Ichigo: i know ;-;

Hachisuka: i don't know what to do.

*room 6

Title screen: Slendrina's return

Urashima: *high pitch screaming*

Midare: oh.. my..

Monoyo: sometimes...

Gotou: things you can't even

Hakata: why.

*room 7

Title screen: Silent hill

Tarou: kore wa naka naka...

Jirou: anikkia halp ;^;

Tarou: you're not the only one in this game you...

Tonbo: i wonder how Otegine might live all alone in room 1... without me..

Tanuki: yea.. without me protecting him..

Kakaka: i'm fine with this!! KAKAKAA

*room 8

Title screen: crying cicada

Yaman: *screaming*

Kane-san: *same*

Kasen: this is not elegant. I'm out.

Yoshiyuki: I'M ALL FIRED UP!! *screaming*

Nagasone: that's the spirit Yoshiyuki!!

*room 9

Dracula's Mansion

Aoe: just. Wow.

Ishi: not my element.

Souza: it's okay Sayo. It's okay.

Sayo: shut up!!

Kousetsu: *hugs Sayo*

*room 10

Freddy's pizzeria

Hirano: oh no.

Maeda: how do you even.

Gokotai: ICHI-NII!! ;^;

Akita : *crying*

Atsushi: *crying*

*room 11

Zombie Hospital!!

Nihoungou: this.

Hige: blargh.

Hiza: don't scare me in this.

Hige: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hiza: ( ^ิ,_^ิ)

Hone: *sigh*

Iwatooshi: i can do this!!

*then the game begins

To be continued

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