Part 61 - NOTE

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Hey guys!

Alright, here's the thing. I love you guys so much and I'm so glad you've loved this fic, and I enjoyed it for a while, but here's two things:  I have a lot going on at the moment emotionally. Just not been myself at all, just fed up with people who claim they love you not caring at all and I'm just not in a good place. So that's why there's been a lack of updates and for that, I am truly sorry.

Now, because I am grateful for all of you, I can't just end this fic without a proper big ending so here's what I'll do. Because I know I don't see much left in this fic and I feel so bad for not updating properly, I'll do something. It'll be a two part ending, then an epilogue. The next part will be part one of the ending, and then the part after will be the second part of the ending where all this big dramatic stuff happens, etc. I'll have to fast forward it a bit but I don't think it's fair on you guys to drag it out and not give it my best, whereas just do it this way and give all I got for the ending I have planned. If this makes any sense.

Anyways, I don't know if I'll update tonight or not, but if I do, it'll be part one of the dramatic ending. Either way, this fic is about to come to an end. Then I'm gonna take a bit of a break and read some other fics and some of my own personal books I have at home, and also I'm gonna be writing some other types of fics as well. I might take a break from 'Cheryl' related fan fiction and do a 'Camren' fic (if you know Fifth Harmony, you know what I'm on about), or I think I'll stay away from fan fiction for a bit and do a whole different type of fictional story.

Anyways yeah I owed you guys an explanation and again I'm so sorry for letting you guys down. I love all of you so much and again, I am truly grateful for your support on my fics. I'm not confident about my writing so it means a lot.

Anyways, I'm sorry, and see you guys later x

-AliciaLightsxo xxxx

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