Chapter 3: One More

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Dogwonder: Important announcement! So for a while it's only going to be after Nya in order to give you background information for when the grand magic games arc happens. Please bear with me!

Nya: Is this even Fairy Tail anymore?

Dogwonder: Yes! It's just going to take a while to get to the grand magic games arc. That's all. Please voice any complaints. Now let's begin.

As we walked through the streets I observed the difference from a year ago.

"They really cleaned up the place." I commented.

"Yeah." Lilly agreed. "It's like there wasn't even an attack in the first place."

"You think we can find Tsukasa at the mansion?" I asked.

"Probably." Lilly shrugged.

We continued to walk through the thriving town until we reached the mansion in the center of the town. I banged on the door which followed by the running of feet. The door was swung open and a figure rushed out. He launched himself forward and latched onto me. I stumbled back slightly from surprise.

"Nya!" He yelled.

He looked up at me beaming.

"I'm here too." Lilly pouted.

"You shouldn't be hugging me Tsukasa." I sighed.

"Don't worry. I'm wearing a jacket just so I can hug you." He assured.

I sighed, but hugged him back none the less. Another pair of arms wrapped themselves around us.

"What are you doing Lilly?" I asked.

"I want to be part of the hugging!" Lilly whinned.

I rolled my eyes at her and separated them both from me. I then got a chance to fully examine Tsukasa. His brown hair had grown slightly longer so it reached the middle of his neck and his bangs cover one of his eyes. He wore a dark red high collar shirt with a black jacket that had its collar propped out and dark brown pants with a light brown belt and black boots. Tsukasa also had fingerless gloves on.

"You've definitely grown up since the last time I saw you." I noticed.

"And you've gotten more pretty." Tsukasa smiled.

"Nya! He's so adorable!" Lilly squealed.

I shoved her slightly and turned my attention back to Tsukasa.

"So is there anything you want to do while we're here?" I asked.

"Get married?" Tsukasa suggested.

My heart hurt slightly.

I ruffled his hair. "You're way to young for that."

Tsukasa pouted at me.

"How about you show us around? We didn't get to look around the last time we were here?" Lilly suggested.

"Sure!" Tsukasa agreed.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me away.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Lilly shouted.

Tsukasa pulled me around a corner and Lilly ran right past us. I looked at Tsukasa questioningly.

"I wanted to talk to you alone." He said.

I leaned back against the wall and looked at him. "Okay. What is it?"

"Your guild mark." He started.

I flinched slightly at his words and touched my collarbone where it used to be.

"It's gone. I want to know what happened." Tsukasa continued.

Should I? It's not that big of a deal anyway.

I sighed. "Okay. I'll tell you. Remember the pink hair idiot?"

I chuckled softly think about he would protest and says it's salmon. Tsukasa nodded to my question.

"Well, we ended up dating. But then he went and died."

Tsukasa frowned. "How?"

"By a dragon." I sighed. "How ironic is that? The dragon slayer done in by a dragon. Only a idiot like him would have that happen to him. Though everyone else who went with him to the island died too."

Tsukasa hugged me and rubbed his face on me.

So much hugging.

"I'm sorry Nya." He whispered. "I will stay with you."

I smiled at him.

So much like Lilly.

"Well if you want to travel with us you're going to have to ask your dad." I pointed out.

"I don't need that old man's permission." He huffed.

I laughed at him. "Okay then tell him your going with us. We can leave tomorrow."

Tsukasa pulled back from me. "Okay. I'll go back right away."

"You do that while I can go find Lilly. She's probably freaking out right now." I told him.

Tsukasa nodded and ran back to the mansion. I headed out of the alley and started to search around for Lilly.

"Lilly!" I shouted. "Lilly!"

"Nya!" A voice cried.

I saw a teary face Lilly come running towards me and hugged me.

"I-I d-didn't k-know where you went!" Lilly wailed.

I glanced at the people watching us with curiosity.

"You're making a scene." I growled.

"Nya!" Lilly cried.

I pushed her off and grabbed her hand. I dragged her away from the onlookers and back to Tsukasa's mansion.

"We're staying the night then leaving tomorrow." I explained.

"O-okay." Lilly sniffed.

"What am I going to do with you?" I sighed.

Dogwonder: Tsukasa has joined the group and Lilly is a cry baby!

Who do you guys like better? Tsukasa or Lilly?

Who's your favorite oc I have made so far?




Also, things will get more exciting! Please be patient! I will try to get to the grand magic games as fast as possible and update as much as I can!

Remember! Comment, vote, and share!

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