Chapter 19: Chariot

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Dogwonder: I'm back!

Nya: You should have stayed away more.

Dogwonder: Wattpad was calling me. And I felt guilty.

Nya: Stupid guilt.

"This competition consists of reaching the goal without falling off from the interconnected chariots." Chapati started.

"But this isn't some regular race!" Yazima-san added.

"Cool! Cool! Cool!" Jason commented.

"The chariots underfoot are constantly in motion, so even a moment of carelessness will prove to be your undoing. They pass through the major sightseeing locales of Crocus. Which team will be the first to arrive at the goal here at the Domus Flau!?" Chapati continued. "We'll be transmitting images from the race to everyone here in the arena through Lacrima-vision."

"What does that basta*d think he's doing?!" I yelled.

I glared at the screen from the stands. I watched as Haku casually walk beside the three dragon slayers who were having trouble.

"At any rate, Yajima-san... with this kind of competition, who is being anticipated?" Chapati questioned.

"U... mmmm.." He replied.

"Has he gone insane?" Akaru said.

"He should know by now that he will be punished if he acts like that." Mari huffed.

"That boy is playing a very dangerous game." Masato sighed.

"Somehow! Trailing at the back, far, far, from the lead, Fairy Tail A's Natsu is in a groggy state! And that's not all. Right next to him, Fairy Tail B's Gajeel and even Sabertooth's Sting are in the same condition. I don't know what's wrong with Phoenix Feather's Haku though... What in the world is going on here, Yajima-san?" Chapati announced.

I shock in anger as I continued to watch Haku show no concern to the race.

"How are you doing Dragneel? You don't look so hot." Haku smirked.

"Shut up you basta*d!" Natsu slurred.

Haku's eyes narrowed at him. "And you dare continue to love Nya."

"She's mine! She belongs to Fairy Tail!" Natsu shouted.

"You don't even know her anymore." Haku scowled.

"Nya will always be Nya! She will never change!" Natsu shouted.

"Do this later you punks." Gajeel growled.

"Sure." Haku agreed.

Haku then disappeared in a blur of color and appeared in front of the finish line. He then casually walked across it breaking the string.

"Straight to the goal! Phoenix Feather receives ten points!" Chapati exclaimed.

Haku grinned up at me and I scowled in return. The rest of the teams soon arrived leaving only Sabertooth and the two Fairy Tail teams struggling to reach the finish line. Everyone laughed at them which made me clench my fist in anger.

They don't know what they've gone through. Every single one of them are a bunch of da*n idiots!

"Are you okay Nya?" Niki asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I lied.

Though it's their fault for choosing this! They know they're bad with transportation! It's a waste of time to worry about them.

"Can I ask you just one thing?" Sting said. "Why did you guys enter the games? This would be unthinkable for the Fairy Tail of the past... worrying about the strength of the guild or worldly things like this... the Fairy Tail that I know... well... how to say it... does things at its own pace. Without worrying about how others might think."

Sting's words made me remember the times I experienced with Fairy Tail leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

"It's for our comrades. For seven years... always... they were waiting for us... no matter how tough it was, no matter how sad, even if they were made into fools of, they endured and endured and protected the guild. For our comrades we'll show you. The proof that Fairy Tail has kept going! And that's why we'll keep moving forward!" Natsu declared.

My heart hurt and I turned away. I then started walking towards the door behind us.

"Where are you going Nya?" Mari asked.

"Just checking on something. Don't worry." I told her.

I went into the hallway behind the door and leaned against the wall.

"I'm sorry Natsu." I whispered. "I'm sorry I wasn't one of those people who waited for you. I'm sorry."

Dogwonder: Is Nya starting to regret her actions?

How will this affect the rest of the guild?

What will this make Nya do?

Find out next time.

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