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He doesn't have a wife? OK. Now I'm really skeptical or this man.

"Ok mom, why did he tell me he had a wife?"

"Not sure why he would lie. He was the sweetest man the last time I spoke with him." She shrugged, typing away at her computer.

I shrugged. It's a white lie, i guess...
The next morning, i decided to go for a morning jog. Mind as well bring Cam while i'm at it. He could use the exercise.

"Come on Cam." I called. And like the obedient dog he was, he answered to me.

I strapped on the harness around his broad chest and attached his blue leash. A little part of me hopes i don't see that man. But that part also hopes i see his attractive lie telling face.

I pull on a thin grey hoodie over my head and open the door. To my surprise, I see Mr. Styles on my doorstep about to knock on my door. I raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Can I help you?" I ask rather rudely.

"Good Morning to you too. I'm here to see your mum." He replies. I look at his hands. A bouquet of red and white roses.

"She's sleeping. Why do you need to see her?"

"I'm just visiting an old friend." Friend?

"Come back in 2 hours. It's 4 in the morning. It would've been rude to wake her up. She works all damn night. Have some decency." I frown. Cam senses tension and begins growling.

"It's OK boy. He was just leaving." I kneel down and pet his fur, attempting to calm him down. He does.

"Can you tell her I stopped by then? And give her these" he hands me the large bunch of flowers, "make sure she reads my card." He smiles and leaves, closing the door behind him.

What the hell is so important he had to show up at my door, 4 in the morning?

I turn the lock between my fingers before walking over to the dining room, placing the flowers down and filling a vase up with water.

Of course my curiosity gets the best of me. I don't mean to be nosy. But he did say it was important. But he didn't say I couldn't read it before my mom." I snidely reach for the white envelope after placing the vase down on the center of the table. It's taped. So i carefully lift the tape without ripping the paper. I smile to myself.

I pull the card out and:

It's been awhile since we last talked. I admit, i sincerely miss your welcoming yet strong voice. I miss talking to you and i hate lying to your daughter but i had to cover up for how i truly knew you. I know i made a mistake. But please give me one more chance. Come to the coffee shop downtown: Ibiza Beans. I'll be there at 4 pm. I hope to see you there.

He had a relationship with my mom? Why does he need to see my mom? What did he do? A billion questions rise to the surface. I needed some answers before my brain implodes. I re-wrap the card and place in between the roses that now lay in the vase.

And i was going to get answers today. At Ibiza Beans.
What i was going to do was kinda wrong. But hiding things from me was worse. Just as I gathered my thoughts, in walks my mother, in a silky purple robe, and damp hair framing her face.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Why are you up so early?" She asks while making a cup of tea.

"I could ask you the same thing. You usually get up at 6."

"I thought i heard voices."

"You heard right. Mr. Styles stopped by and delivered these." I gesture to the roses. Her eyes light up and a gentle smile breaks onto her face.

"How sweet." She says sipping her tea whilst walking over to the table to observe the roses closer. "They're lovely, aren't they?" She asks when the envelope catches her eye.

She opens it carelessly and skims the card. Her face holds no expression.

"I have to go make a call. Are you going anywhere today?"

"Uh... I don't think so. Why, are you?" I question back.

"No. I don't think so. I probably have to head down to my office in town."

It's 3:30pm.

Go time.

I dress up quickly in all black. I quickly brush my hair neatly and pull a black cap on and some sunglasses. I look in the mirror. I'm not that recognizable. I check my watch once more. 3:35 pm. I listen closely and hear footsteps shuffling around next door.

My mom is getting ready to leave. I lock my door and sit on my bed, listening for footsteps down the stairs and the front door. "Honey, I'm leaving now! I'm not sure when i'll be back but if i'm not home early enough order some food. I left money on the counter downstairs." Or that.

"OK mom!" I yell back while pulling on my black Roshes✔️.

I hear the front door slam closed and i take that as my cue to get a move on. My feet carry me straight down my steps. I was just about to walk out the door, car keys strong in my hand when i hear a whimper.

I turn around and see Cam. He looks sad. I sigh and gesture for him to come along. His face perks up and he happily follows me out the door and into my car. This may be illegal since i'm only 16 and driving without a supervisor. But i have always been told i look much older than i really am.

I look at my watch. 3:58pm. I look up and around the area. Great. I lost my mom. But i have a hunch.

I start up my car and start driving to Ibiza Beans. Maybe she was meeting up with him after all.
After around 10 minutes of driving i pull up across the street from the small coffee shop and lift my shades to peer in. I gave up on trying to see past a bunch of other people and decide to go into the shop.

Cam hops out the back seat and follows me across the damp street. I don't see her car anywhere. Maybe she was at her office. I peer into the glass now that i'm closer and see what i thought i wouldn't see.

Mom? And Mr. Styles? Together? I mean what was i expecting. Why was i so shocked my mom actually agreed to meet with him? And why did i feel so hurt? This was none of my business yet here i was, spying on my mom. They looked so...natural together. They looked happy. Sipping coffee together and having a nice conversation. It was the first time anyone has made her smile like that.

I guess it was just that part of me not wanting someone to break her heart again. Not after my dad walked out on us. She fought so hard for me. And God knows i would do the same.

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