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In all honesty, I'm not even sure why i told him that love him. Of course i meant it in like a 'you're like a father figure in my life' kind of way. But that kind of sounds wrong since we are intimately involved. I was currently laying next to him in his bed. We went through 3 condoms in the past 2 hours. But the sex didn't feel good for me.

Maybe it's cause i still haven't had it too many times. Harry was fast asleep. So i began collecting my clothing discarded all around his room and dressed myself. I had this heavy feeling in my gut. Regret maybe? Maybe i gave myself up too soon.

With one last glance toward the sleeping man, i left.


"So. How've you been?"

"I've been fine."

"How's mom?"

"She's fine."

"Juliet, it was your idea to meet up. I've waited a while since you took days to respond to one message." Jason chuckled before taking a short sip of his coffee.

"I know. It's just-i can't believe i haven't known about you till now. I feel so blind."

"I know what you mean. I knew you existed but dad never wanted me to reach out to you. I hope you understand that."

"I guess. So what's the deal with dad trying to take me away from mom then?"

"It's an empty threat. Not the first time he's said this."

"Mom seemed really upset that day."

"Don't worry. He's not going to do anything." He reassured me.

"So do you have anyone in your life?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Actually, yes. I am engaged."

"Oh congratulations! I hope i'm not too late on that." I smile.

"I proposed to Anna a few months ago. So not too off. How about you?"

"Um...I don't know if i consider him my boyfriend. He's one of mom's friends."

"Wow- he's a lot older then, huh?"

"Yeah, i hope that's not too weird."

"No-just-you're like 15. It's illegal."

"I know-"

"If you know then why are you still with him?"

"I really like him. He's just there for me when i need someone to talk to. And it's not like he's using me for his needs." I hope. The thought makes my stomach feel uneasy.

"Well i hoped you would be smarter then this." I felt angry at his words. I am old enough to make my own choices. I scoff in disbelief. I've talked to him for like 5 minutes and he's already trying to control my life.

"If you're just going to sit here and judge me then i don't wanna talk to you." I began standing from my chair when his hand gently wrapped around my wrist.

"Look, i'm sorry. I know i haven't been in your life till now but-i just want you to know i care about you. I'm not judging, just making sure you don't ruin your life." I sigh and sit back down. We continue talking for an hour or so before i decide i have to return home.

"It was really nice to finally meet you." I said, embracing him in a tight hug.

"Same here. I'll see you soon." With that, we both parted ways.


I was sitting in my room doing some last minute summer assignments when my phone buzzed.


Harry: Hey, why did you leave without telling me?

J: Sorry, you looked really worn out so i just let you sleep. And i have to do my homework before school starts in 3 days.

Harry: Ok but next time tell me. You had me a bit worried.

J: I'm sorry. I'll call you later

Harry: K


Wow i never thought i'd get k'd by a 30 year old man. I roll my eyes and continue with my homework.

As i was working on some math, my phone buzzed again. I put my pencil down and look on my lit up screen. It was Luke. I smile and open his message.

L: Hey :) Was wondering if you were free. I'm bored and we promised to hang out, so whaddayasay?

J: Haha 'whaddayasay' that's how you lose a friend

L: :((((((

J: I'm kidding. I'm kinda doing homework right now.

Just as i'm about to send the message, my phone starts ringing. It was a FaceTime call from Luke.

I pick up, quickly adjusting my messy hair before holding the phone straight up.

"Hey dork." I greet with a smile.

"Nice shirt. Didn't know you we're such a nerd."

I look down at my choice of clothing. A Star Wars shirt.

"At least i have a shirt on." He was such a pasty white boy. And scrawny.

"Don't stare at my nipples pweez."He pouted before the screen showed his ceiling. Light ruffling and movements could be heard b before his he picks his phone up, this time, with a shirt on.

"Come out with me. Let's go to burger king."

"I can't Luke. I have homework."

"Ughhh, you're such a nerd. School doesn't start until like Monday. It's only Thursday."

"What school do you go to?"

"Academy of Arts and Science." He rolled his eyes.

"No way, me too! Why haven't i seen you there before?"

"I moved here not too long ago. My parents just enrolled me. We have to wear uniform." He cringed. I hated uniforms too.

"You get used to it. My ex goes there, but get this. He's a senior but he already proposed to a girl."

"Whaaaat? No way. Is the girl our age?"

"I think she a junior. But that's crazy."


"So you wanna meet at Burger King? I'll buy you chicken fries and onion rings."

"You had me at chicken fries."

Thank you so much for 1k reads. It means a lot that you took the time to read my writing. I'll be updating soon. <3

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