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Mild Mature Content

"What do you want?" I scold and begin walking away from him. "I-I. I'm sorry. I know you're upset but i had no idea-"

"Had no idea i was gonna find you with someone else? I thought we had something." Saying that out loud made me realize how naive i sounded. Crap.

"Had something? Juliet, you're a kid. How would i even begin to explain to people i'm dating a kid?" His words tear a hole in my chest. I was just a kid to him. I nod, realizing how true his words were. "Then how are you gonna explain to people that you fingered a kid?" As petty as it is, i had to point it out.

His face twists into a frown. "I do like you, i'll admit. But we can't be together. There are too many risks to count. Your mother would, for one, chop my head off if she knew we were intimate. And the legal terms. I would be considered a pedophile!"

"Would you be embarrassed of me? If we were ever to be together." I had to ask the burning question, even though i knew the answer, i had to hear it from him.

"No, of course not. I like you lots, but i just don't think it would be right to be together. Right now."

"You know what i think?-" I get cut off by him stepping closer to me. His eyes glare into mine, observing me. "Are you high?" He moves even closer, sniffing me. "What? No!" I lie and frantically back away. But he grabs me by the arm and pulls me into his chest, locking his lips with mine for a quick second.

"You are. I can smell the weed from here. Why?"

My body peels itself from his, feeling ashamed. I'm not sure what's more disappointing, getting caught, or going back to it. "Darling, you know that shit is no good for a sweet girl like you. Give me your stash, you don't need it." He tries. I stare blankly at the ground, tears rolling down my cheeks, arms getting tired from holding up my towel.

"Why are you crying?" He asks. I feel his arms embrace me in a welcoming hug. "I hate myself for even having a stash." Now the feelings were really pouring out. I haven't even known him that long and i'm already crying and getting high over him.

"Don't cry." He mumbles into my hair.

"It's upstairs. My stash." This was for the best.

With his hand in mine, we walk up the steps together and into the bathroom. He takes my stash, along with my half smoked joint. To be honest, i'm glad he's taking it away. It hasn't done any good for me anyway.

"No one hears about this. And i'm sorry." He assures me with a gentle smile. His lips leave a quick peck on my cheek before he leaves. The emptiness in the house is oddly comforting now.
Later that night, i lay in my bed, contemplating wether or not i should message back my brother. But i decide to put it aside until i have less on my plate.

All this thought about everything going on makes me drowsy. My eyelids begin to droop, a sign of my exhaustion and the weed wearing off. And before i knew it, i was drifting off into a dream~

"Baby. Baby, wake up." I heard a deep voice calling while simultaneously gently shaking my shoulder. A pair of lips were felt kissing up and down my neck, causing a lazy grin to break across my face.

"I want you." I hear him say, attaching his lips to mine. I don't even bother opening my eyes, just going along with it. My hands find their way into his soft hair, tugging lightly as he climbs on top of me, shifting in between my legs. His hips slowly grind into mine, nudging my clothed clit harshly. By now my panties are soaked from his teasing.

"Baby, i'm so hard for you." A blush creeps onto my face. I finally open my eyes revealing a set of dark eyes. I observe his face for a second, finally realizing who it is.

My eyes shoot open, my lungs gasping for air. I put my hand over my heart, feeling it race under my skin. It couldn't have been him in my dream. We were done. He broke it off and made it pretty clear. Yet here i am having a dream about him. "It was just a dream." I tell myself. What shocks me more is it wasn't even Harry in my dreams. Why wasn't i dreaming about him?

I was dreaming of my ex-boyfriend. Liam. He broke it off with me last year, telling me he was moving away and didn't want me to be sad when he did. My good friend Nathan had broke news to me not too long ago when i was still in touch with Liam.

He had made me promise not to get butt-hurt and angry. Of course being me, i couldn't promise to not be angry but went along with his wager anyway.  Nathan told me Liam had gotten a new girlfriend, explaining he was gonna try to stay with her. He told him he was returning in 6 months even though he told me he was moving away forever. And the thing that sickens me is we had such a strong bond together, and he had only met this girl not two days prior to her asking him out.

I couldn't believe this outrageous news. But I refused to cry over such nonsense. If he wanted to be with another girl, so be it. When we were together, i asked him, 'Li, what's your biggest pet peeve?' He replied, "When girls only like me for my looks. I want something more than a physical relationship."

I gave him exactly that. I truly did like him for his own self, not just his looks. He was genuinely funny and kind and just great to be around. Oh, how things have changed...


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