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This is a bit disturbing so warning.
My heart was racing. The thought of not being able to leave here with a possible threat lurking the dark woods, scared me. Whoever was doing this is a sick bastard. A hurricane was supposedly going to hit soon and we're stuck in the danger zone.

Harry soon entered the cabin with us, bolting all the doors and windows shut. "What do we do now?" I ask and feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I see that I had received a few texts from my mom and one from an unknown number.

Mom: Honey, i wanted to check in, call me soon. I hear there is a hurricane headed your way. I want you to come home. I already told Harry.

J: Hey mom, i'm fine but we can't leave, there's something wrong with the car.

I reply quickly before opening the text from the unknown number.

?: You tore my family apart. Now i'll tear you apart. >;)

I almost drop my phone at the threatening message. Who could it be? Harry seemed to notice my distress, standing by my side immediately. "What's wrong?"

"I got a text from someone, they're threatening me."

His face twists into a frown. "Who?"

"That's the problem. I don't know."

He takes my phone and looks at the message, his anger showing through. "Clearly, whoever texted you this, followed us up here and did that to the car."

I nod in agreement. "Don't worry, i'll keep you safe." He kisses my forehead and holds me in his arms. Niall watches us with a small smile. "You two are perfect together." It was genuine. Maybe he wasn't a douchebag after all.

Our small moment of rejoice was interrupted by a loud knocking at the window. We all look for the source of the noise. My stomach drops when my eyes lock with a man in a blank white mask. I gasp at the sign he holds up, reading "Knock Knock," the edges seeming to be smudged with blood. "Oh my god." I feel so vulnerable, so afraid. Harry's arms tighten around me when he uses his bat to gently knock against the window.

He holds up another sign that knocks the breath out of me.

"I'm going to kill the lights, then kill you."

Tears stream down my face. I reach for my cellphone and snap a picture of it before trying to call the police just as Harry instructs. There was no cell service.

"What do we do now?" My voice is shaky.

Harry remains silent, still staring at the man outside who occasionally tilts his head from side to side. Then the lights go out. "Oh my god." I whisper and bury my face into Harry's chest.

"Crap, the backdoor lock is electronic. He can get in."

My body trembles at the thought of dying here. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my mom. I didn't even get to meet my own brother. "It's going to be okay baby. We have to hide." He whispers. I nod and follow his lead, climbing into an empty closet in the hallway directly across from the one he hides in. My breath is shaky when i suddenly realize that Niall is gone. Did that man outside get him? Oh god. I'm next. More tears slips from my eyes as i try my best to stay as silent as possible.

Loud footsteps could be heard, a soft tune being whistled. Something was dragging on the floor, like a baseball bat. The noises near us, getting louder and louder as the minutes go by. Then, everything goes silent-dead silent. A small click is heard before the knob of the closet door i'm hiding behind starts jiggling. My breath picks up as the door slowly opens. I shit my eyes tightly. I can hear heavy pants leaving his lips. My eyes open and there, right before me, a shiny gun pointed right in the middle of my forehead.

My mouth opens, i try to scream but nothing comes out. His forefinger raises to his mask covered lips, signaling me to shush. His glove covered hand grips my wrist and pulls me out of the closet. "Come out. I know you're in there. I have your little girly here." The man commands.


"If you don't come out now, i'll blow her goddamn brains out."

Harry emerges from the closet not a second later. I feel the cold metal of the gun on my right temple. "Stop crying." He grunts and leads me back a few feet.

"I think you know why i'm going to kill her."

We say nothing. "Oh, you don't?"

He chuckles, vibrations from his chest send chills up my spine, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand.

"Well there's no need for you to know-since i'm going to kill the both of you."

He adds more pressure to the gun pressed to my head. I shut my eyes tightly, preparing myself for my inevitable death. I wish i could've met my brother, say goodbye to my mom, forgive my dad, and tell Harry that i...love him. But i can't. It's too late.

The click of the gun is heard. But i feel nothing. What?

I open my eyes before i am released, and the man begins laughing uncontrollably. "What the hell?"

He pulls off his mask. "Louis?" Harry says. His face boils with anger. "What the fuck?!"

"It was just a prank bro." He continues laughing. Harry rams him into the wall, hand around his neck. "No! It's not just a prank, bro. I thought you were going to kill her! I was about to rip you throat out and cut off your hands!"

"Geez, relax, Niall's in on it too, why aren't you giving him shit for it?"

The lights turn back on and out comes Niall, cackling like it's the last day on earth.

"It's not fucking funny." I defend, wiping away my tears. "I thought i was going to die!"

"We had it all planned out man. We got you real good."

"And i'm about to knock you out real good." Harry warns, releasing Louis from his iron grip before marching off. "Fuck you." He says before dragging me upstairs with him.
"I cannot believe those bastards would pull such a thing. I thought they were going to kill you."

"Me too. I wouldn't want to die until i have all my cards on the table."

"What does that mean baby?" He asks and calmly strokes my hair as we spoon.

"It means-" i flip over to face him, "i want to tell you something. But i don't know how you will react to it."

He hums. "What is it?"

"I love you."
Okay so that was like one of my first "suspenseful" scene attempts. What did you guys think?

And ik it's kinda early in the book to be admitting feelings but i felt like that was the right moment when she realizes she should do things before it's too late....

Hope you guys enjoyed and as always THANKS FOR READING!!!

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