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Harry's Pov

I sat there with her in shock. How could i have not seen this before? She loves me. She seemed a bit nervous when i just kept staring at her. My mouth opened but no words left it.

"Are you-gonna say anything?"

"Uh. That was very blunt." I clear my throat. Of course i loved her back. She was my sweet baby girl.

"I love you too."

She smiles. That sounded like i just said what she wanted to hear.

I feel her lips on mine in an instant. But i wasn't rushed or anything, just her pressing our lips together.

"You know, i was thinking we should go out on Halloween since it's right around the corner."

"Aren't i a little too old for trick-or-treating? And for costumes in general?" I chuckle, caressing her soft cheek with the back of my hand.

"No one is too old to dress up. We can do matching costumes, like-sexy cops." She whispers into my ear, tugging on my earlobe gently. I bit my lip and she climbs onto my lap. God she's made these past few days so hard, with my self-control of trying not to fuck the life out of her wearing thin.

"Baby." I moan when her lips trail down to my jawline, sucking on a spot that makes me shiver.

"I think we should stay here since the whole stunt Louis pulled is over. I'd rather stay here than go home."

"There's a hurricane coming."

"That report was from years ago. He was playing us. He even got my mom to go along with it." She frowns.

"Really? That's fucking demented. They're lucky i only kicked them out of the house and not kick their faces in." I smile a bit when she chuckles at my harsh but true remark.

"I've been thinking about what you said, that you'll...take me when i wanted you to and when i'm 100% sure. After that whole stunt, i've decided to do things now before it's too late." She looks up at me with Bambi eyes.

"Are you sure you want to?"

She nods and follows my lead, leaning I'm slowly, meeting lips once more. "I'll go slow with you." I mumble against her lips, slipping my tongue into her mouth. She obliges quickly, falling back onto the bed, taking me with her.

My lips part from hers only to place a line of soft kisses from her cheek down to her jawline. "I want to give you a hickey, is that alright love? Me marking you as mine?" She nods, her chest rising and falling as small pants begin leaving her body.

My nose nudges her cheek a bit, telling her to roll her head to the side for better access. I wet my lips before kissing the area i wish to mark, right under her ear. She gasps when i suck harshly, running my tongue over the area and lightly grazing the delicate skin with my teeth. I repeat the action, pulling away to observe the spot every once in a while until i'm satisfied with the dark patch.

"That felt so weird." She laughs a bit, clearly shook.

I laugh along while tugging at the bottom of her shirt, almost asking if i could take it off. But she grows impatient and pulls it over her head herself. "I was gonna do that." I pout playfully and continue removing the rest of our clothing, stopping at our undergarments.

I take this time to look down at her. "You're so beautiful, you know that?"
She blushes madly, turning her head to the side to avoid eye contact. The deep red spot comes into view so i lean down and kiss the tender area gently.

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