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Sorry for taking so long. School is a dub. Enjoy! And remember to vote and comment! I appreciate it. :)


That's all i felt after that night with Harry. I was worried i had gotten something off him-i mean-i have every right to suspect it since he has clearly had multiple partners before me. It made my stomach clench at how bad it sounded to blame him for something like that. But i had to confront him-and tell my mother to take me to the doctor.

I decide to take a look for myself before making a big deal out of something that could be nothing really. I clearly remember him using a condom. So i don't understand why its so-itchy down there.

Strolling into the bathroom, i shut the door and grab my small hand mirror. I pull down my pants and brace myself before taking a look. The area was red and inflamed. Tmi-i know. God i wanted to cry. Why did this have to happen to me?

I pull up my panties and pants-deciding i should call Nicki and ask for her advice. My mother would go all lawyer on me if she found out i had sex with Harry. My fingers tap my screen, dialing her number and holding it up to my ear.

She answers in a few seconds.

"You better have a good excuse for waking me up this early," she chuckles, "what's up babe?"

"I think i caught something from Harry." I almost sob through the line.

"What do you mean? Like a cold?"

"No- it's all red and itchy down there and i'm freaking out and i can't tell my mom-"

"Woah! Slow down! You had sex with him?"

"Yeah." I bit my lip.

There was a pause.

"Did you use a condom?"

"I think he put one on-i saw him put it on so i don't know why this is happening."

"Ok, get dressed i'm taking you to my gynecologist. She's really good with her patients, you'll be in good hands."


"I'll pick you up in a few."

"Okay, thanks so much Nicki."

"No problem, babe."

After that, she hung up and i did as told. I didn't put much effort into my appearance- only slipping something that would be easy to remove layer. And my hair-i just gave up there and put it up in a ponytail. A few minutes later, i received a text to go outside. I slipped on my vans and exited my house.

Nicki was patiently waiting for me as i awkwardly climbed in, awaiting for her flood of questions.

"So-" we both began.

"You first." I smiled as she began to drive.

"How was it? It was your first time right?"

"Yeah. It hurt but i guess it was fine." I shrugged. This was mortifying. I felt my cheeks heating up. Was I regretting our night together?

"Don't be nervous. She won't judge you." Nicki sends me a small smile and holds my hand. After a while, we pull up to a huge building somewhere in the city.

"The parking is always hell here." Nicki chuckles when she finally finds an empty spot. We climb out of her car, careful not to scratch up the cars next to us.

She leads me down a sun-lit hall to the elevator. I felt my nerves spike at this point. What if i actually caught something off of Harry? How would7 i even begin to explain that to him- or my mom?

After what felt like hours, the elevator arrives with a silent ding. The doors open and we move out of the way so the old couple could exit. They send us charming smiles and 'hellos' before heading off.

Nicki and i board and press the button that would bring us to the 7th floor. The office was small and had that distinct sterile scent. It was oddly pleasant. The nurse had me fill out a few papers before asking us to wait in the vacant waiting area.

"You're shaking."

"I know-i'm so scared. How would i tell him?"

"You just do. And you have every right to be angry. But let's just see whats really going on down there before you assume anything, okay?" She trues her best to calm me down.

I nod. What was taking so long? There's no one here so i don't see the reason for there to be a hold up. I huff and lean further back in my seat. The itching was intensifying as the minutes passed by. I was so tempted to scratch my itch but that's when we got called into her office.

"Juilet, Dr. Hofmann is ready for you." The nurse smiles and opens another door telling us she's in room 4.

We walk in and see a tall, rather young lady with deep brown hair. "Hello, you must be Juliet." She reaches her hand out to shake mine.

I shake her hand and pull back sheepishly.

"Okay, so have a seat on the table over there and i'll ask you a few questions before we take a look at how things are down there." She smiled politely and guided me to the paper-lined table.

"Okay, so it says here that you had sex once and it was recent?" Dr. Hofmann says, flipping a fee pages on her clipboard.


"So what seems to be the problem? Are you in any pain right now? Bleeding won't stop? Tearing maybe?"

"Umm, no pain. Just-itching."

"Oh." She looks at me and goes deep in thought.

"Did you use a condom?"

"I saw him put the condom on-so i don't know why it's so itchy."

"I think i know what's the problem here. But let's take a look and see if it is what i'm assuming it is." She reaches into a drawer and pulls out a apron looking thing.

"Put this on and let me know when you're ready. You can keep your shirt. Just sit up on the other table." She smiles and exits the room along with Nicki.

I quickly pull off my pants and underwear and drape the cloth thing over my legs. The table feels cold under my legs but i relax myself and call the doctor back in.

She smiles at me and closes the door behind her before taking a seat right in between my legs. She pulls a pair if gloves on and removes the cloth, exposing me.

"Ok, i'm gonna tell you everything i'm doing. Your comfort is my priority." I feel her fingers meet my skin causing me to flinch slightly before relaxing again.

"I think i know what the problem is. It's not an STI or yeast infection. You have a latex allergy." Dr. Hofmann announces and pulls off the gloves, disposing them.

"I'll prescribe you some ointment but from now on, stay away from latex. Apply the cream after you shower once a day. I suggest using a small sanitary napkin to keep your undies clean. But that's about it."

She leaves the room to let me put my clothes back on. We went over more protection options like polyurethane condoms as an alternative.

Nicki drove us to the pharmacy to pick up my ointment before dropping me off at home. I had to admit, i was rather relieved that it was just an allergic reaction. But it was time we had a talk about everything.

Thanks for reading! Love u <3

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