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"Wake up baby." Harry whispers into my ear, his curls tickling my neck sending me into a fit of giggles. I open my eyes and look up at him. He gives me a weird look.

"Did i say something funny?"

"No, your hair is tickling my neck." I laugh when he shakes his head and does it again.

"You're ticklish?"


A smirk appears on his face before i feel his fingers tickle my bare stomach, causing me to jump and cringe in surprise.

"Stop!" my laughter is uncontrollable. I twist and turn trying to escape his grip.

"You're adorable." He whispers and touches his nose to mine.

"I need to get home. It's getting late." I announce and reach over onto the floor to where my jeans were. I dig through the shallow pockets before finding it and turning it on.


No messages or calls from my mom. That's strange, she would normally be on my ass about being home, especially when it's this late.

"Did your mum say you have to be home?" He asks biting into an apple.

"No-and where the hell did you get that apple from?" I laugh at how random he is.

"It was in my mini fridge up here." He points to a small white box sitting next to his bed. Interesting.

"You're so weird." I pole at his chest with a playful grin. "But i love it."

Harry smiles down at me as i trace over the dark ink on his tan skin, admiring the beautiful images he chose to have on his body.

"Are you ever going to explain what any of these tattoos mean?"



"Babe." He snapped his fingers.


"Be honest, how was the sex?"

"Well-it hurt like hell...But i'm ok with doing it again."

He smiles up at me, twirling my hair between his finger tips. "It gets better. I can't wait for it to feel good for you."

I send a smile back before deciding to jump in the shower quickly. I needed to head home soon. 


"Thanks for walking me home." I purse my lips and make my way up the steps before he stops me.

"No problem. But where's my kiss?" I can feel his presence behind me as he wraps his strong arms around my waist, nuzzling his face into my neck. I turn around in his grip and peck his cheek. But he seems unsatisfied. So he grabs my face and harshly presses his lips to mine. I quickly pull away, telling him that my mother was home and might see us. 

He helps me bring my bags inside before giving me a kiss on the forehead and heading back home. I wasn't quite sure why this whole thing was bothering me so much. It just gave me a strange uncomfortable feeling.

I shake it off and decide to unpack my bags tomorrow since i was so tired and sore. My mother was fast asleep in her room so i just changed into some comfortable clothes and plopped into bed with my phone.

Then i realized, i never got to message my brother back. I really do want to meet him. I tap on the "Messenger" app and go into our chat.

Let's meet up. You choose where-and don't tell dad.


With a deep breath, i put my phone back onto my night stand and drift into a deep sleep.

Sorry it's so short.... But thanks for reading!

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