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"How long?"

"I..I don't know-"

"HOW LONG?" My mother screamed in my face.

She found the box of pregnancy tests i hid in my nightstand along with a few condoms. Why was she digging through my things?

"Since i met him." I look down in shame. She was speechless. Angry and speechless. She had every right to be disgusted and to ship me off somewhere.

"I don't even know what to say. I want to rip your throat out then rip his out. How could you do this to me? "

"What do you mean, 'do this to you'? This has nothing to do with you-"

"He was mine! I loved him for so long. And now you go and screw him behind my back and come home knocked up. Who are you?"

"Mom, don't say that...I'm still your daughter-"

"No daughter of mine would ever do that to me. I don't want you to have that baby."

"MOM! I'm not getting an abortion. You're fucking nuts." I screech and rub my belly.

"Ok. Fine, have it your way. Just know, i will not help you or that baby. It will be your responsibility. I am not gonna drop a dime for that mistake."


She's right, this baby was obviously unplanned. But it's still my baby.


Short but i've been busy with school and shit. I must say I'm about ready to drop out cause i hate everyone.

Anyway, thanks for reading :)

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