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My mother was out running many errands. I was alone for the day. She had asked Mr. Styles to come by and check on me. Not that i minded.

As my mind was clouded by my thoughts, the door opens and in walks Mr. Styles. "Hey. Just checking up on you." He beams and walks in, closing the door behind him. My mother must've given him the keys.

He takes a seat next to me on the couch and stares at what i'm watching on TV. "What are you watching?" He asks. "Supernatural." He nods in fascination. Halfway through the show, i feel his gaze on me. I turn my head and see him staring at me. His pupils are blown out as he aggressively closes the distance between us, hungrily covering my mouth with his.

I whimper at the harsh contact as his weight caused me to be pushed backward onto the soft couch, his body encasing mine. "Mmm baby girl. Your innocence makes it hard to resist you. I'm so frustrated." He says in between hard kisses. His lips meet mine again, his tongue entering my mouth slowly.

"This isn't fair to my mom." I pull away quickly, still pinned down under his body. His lust turns into a frown. "I can tell you want this just as bad as i do. You could care less if this 'isn't fair to your mum.' You know i can help you with that ache in between your baby soft legs. You just need an excuse to pacify your conscience." He's right. His lips move to my jawline, peppering little kisses down to my neck.

I moan when he sucks on my sweet spot, just under my jawline, lightly nibbling the skin there before his soft tongue runs over the patch, soothing it. My teeth encase my bottom lip, as i rather enjoy this feeling far more than i care to admit. His actions come to a halt when he tells me to sit up, in between his legs.

I do as i'm told, obediently sitting in between his legs as his arms wind around me, holding me in place. He goes back to kissing my neck, his large hands trailing farther down my torso. He unbuttons my shorts with ease and i feel his smirk before he slips both hands down my pants, causing me to gasp.

He chuckles lightly as i rather enjoy the feeling of his long fingers rubbing my wet core. I moan when his thumb brushes my clit lightly. "You like that baby girl?" I bite my lip and nod eagerly. "Don't stop." I whimper and grab his forearms for release.

I feel a single finger slip into me with ease, eliciting another gasp from my parted lips. It slowly pumps in and out, intensifying his touch. It feels uncomfortable at first, but the pain is yet a distant memory as my end nears. My pants get heavier, moans get louder and more consistent.

With a final stroke of his fingers, i tumble over the edge. A few moments later, he removes his hands from my pants and brings his fingers to his lips, licking my arousal clean from them. "So sweet." He whispers into my ear seductively. I blush ever so slightly and button back my pants, removing myself from his lap.

I can't believe i just let Mr. Styles do that to me. My first orgasm. But the truth is, i don't think i regret it.

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