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N/ Anotha one??????? Really short but important stuff😁
"So mom. How was your day?" I asked, stirring the pasta through the red tomato sauce.

"Great." She smiled while chopping up asparagus. Should i ask about the envelope that I've clearly read before? Yeah.

"Hey mom, what did the card say? The one Mr. Styles sent you?"

"Oh. Nothing. He was just saying how glad he was to be our neighbor, is all." OK. Why was she lying? I get that not everything involves me but I can't help but feel a touch sensitive that she lied.

"That's so sweet." I say through my teeth, dropping the pan into the sink and wiping my hands on my towel. I remove my apron and stomp upstairs, Cam following behind. "Honey, is something wrong?" My mom asks following me as well.

"No, everything's just peachy. I'm gonna take a shower. I smell like tomato sauce." I say and slam the door. Why am i  so mad? It was a lie. She has her own life. OK i'm overthinking and overreacting.

I rub my hands over my face before opening the door, revealing Cam sitting patiently on the small mat outside the bathroom. He was so cute.

"Mom?" I call out.

"I'm on the phone, darling." She says from down the hall. I pad down to her room and wait for her to finish her phone call. I can hear her giggling from her bathroom over the phone. Her laugh was rare nowadays. And i can't help but suspect that it is indeed, Mr. Styles on the other side of the line.

"OK, i'll talk to you soon. OK, goodnight. Oh my god, don't say that! My daughter is here." She laughs, whispering the last part. "For real now. Goodnight." She says and hangs up with a smile on her lips.

"Whats up darling?" She asks. I can't help but smile at how happy she is. "Uh, i'd like to apologize for my behavior before. It was rude of me to storm off like that." She nods. "It's alright dear. Why were you so upset?"

And out spill the beans.

"I know you were with Mr. Styles today. And you lied about what was on the letter." I mind as well tell her now. She would've gotten it out of me anyway.

Her lips are pursed. Her glorious smile from before was now just a distant memory. "You knew what he wrote, didn't you? You read the card. And you followed me." She realized. I nod my head in shame.

"Look, mom, i know it was none of my business-"

"Yes. That's right it was none of your business. Yet you poked into part of my life like some kind of science experiment. He means a lot to me. More than you think. He was there for me when your father left. You have no idea how hard i fought to get my kids out of his grasp. I only won you over." More beans spill.

"So..." Realization hits me like a ton of bricks. "I'm not an only child."
That night, i rolled around in my large bed. My thoughts were simmering, about to boil over the edge. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that i have a sibling. My mom told me I have an older brother named Jason. She even showed me a recent picture of him. He was blonde and tall, 26 years old.

 He was blonde and tall, 26 years old

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{Alex Pettyfer}

As soon as i saw the picture, i knew i wanted to meet him. But i highly doubt he knows of my existence. My mom told me reaching out to him wouldn't be the best idea right now.
I wake up at around 4am when i hear constant talking and giggling coming from my mom's room. Unraveling myself from my blanket, i rise from my bed quietly and wrap a robe around my freezing body and make my way to my mom's room.

The source of noise isn't just my mom's voice. Another voice accompanies it. A man.

"She was so upset. I think i should tell her everything about us."

"Wait it out, love. She needs some time."

I peek through the crack of the door and my eyes widen. Mr. Styles. In bed. With my mom. Together. Oh my God. His arms wrapped around her shoulders.

And I run like hell back to my room.


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