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I awoke the next morning, feeling extra exhausted. My body was undeniably sore, my eyes puffy from my crying, and my head pounding from what i suspect, the weed.

I roll over and grab my phone off the nightstand, checking my notifications. I received a text from my best friend, Nicki. Her real name is actually Nicole, but she refuses to answer to it.(Alejandra Espinoza is who i picture Nicki as.)

N: Heyyy, wanna go on a date with me?

Me: Ofc. Where to?

A minute later, i receive a text back, something that appears extremely rare these days.

N: My house? I have deep fried oreosss!1!

Me: *gasp* I. Want.

N: Come over then, i'm making some right now, for breakfast, extra fluffy, extra powdered sugar, just how you like.

Me: I'm like drooling. I'll be there in an hour. Xoxo

N: See ya then Xoxo

With that, i roll out of bed to seek out the day. I groan when i feel the blood rush into my head. I reach into my nightstand drawer seeing a few, rather, memorable items. A condom Nicole gave me when she thought my ex Liam was gonna "screw me", a few photos, a small pack of pads and a bottle of Advil.

I grab the whole bottle and start my way to the bathroom. Light scampering could be heard behind me, along with a small whimper. Cam.

I turn around and see Cam, as predicted. He is welcomed in a loving hug. In times like these, a doggy hug is the best hug. "Hey boy. Sorry i couldn't walk you these past few days." I say, as if he understands me. My hand ruffles his fur on his head before i go back to making my way to the bathroom. I look back only to see he's still following me. I guess he only wants some attention. Which gives me an idea.

My morning routine goes by quickly, brushing my teeth, face wash, change of clothes, feeding Cam, and 5 minutes to reply to last night's messages. Checking the time, i realize i have 11 minutes to get to her house, which isn't a problem since i plan on driving there. I hop off the comfy bed i laid on while checking messages and scramble to get Cam's leash on. We're out the house in a minute.

I start up my car and back out of the driveway, and begin towards Mr. Styles house. We reach his place in under ten seconds before i get out with Cam. With his leash in hand, we rush up to his door, me mumbling to him to behave while he is under someone else's watch. Mr. Styles answers the door after two knocks.

"Good Morning." He gleams, dressed in a dark navy blue robe, that exposes his tan chest and that butterfly tattoo in the middle of his torso. I don't even realize i'm staring until he clears his throat. "Good Morning" i stutter, "do you mind watching Cam for the day? I have a date." Before he even gets the chance to reply, i drop his leash into his hand and jog away like a douche while thanking him.

I jump back in my car and drive off. Peering into the rearview mirror, i see Mr. Styles standing there, appearing to be shocked. But he quickly recovers and goes back inside, with his new companion for the day.

During the drive, i couldn't help but think about how hot he looked moments before. Kinda groggy, but in a sexy way. His tattoos on full display, his chest as broad as ever. The sight was a real lip-biter. Before i know it, i'm pulling up in Nicki's driveway, making sure to honk my horn twice. I climb out of my car, only to very welcomely greeted by a running Nicole. Her long arms wrap around my body, embracing me in a delightful hug that i happily return.

"I missed you so much, i haven't seen you in weeks! Never happening AGAIN." She shrieks, excitement evident in her tight hug. She pulls away and rubs her cheek against mine. Her loud laughter blares in my ears. This bitch rubbed flour on my face. Before i could think twice, i begin joining in her maniacal laughter. Our laughter dies down when her crazy neighbor John yells out his window to 'shut up'. We roll our eyes and begin walking into her house.

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