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A sigh left my lips at the thought of going back to school. It starts in a little less than a week and it wasn't something to look forward to. My mother had went to court with this whole thing about Rich touching me. She put him away for attempted rape sexual assault to a minor. But it was a bumpy ride since there weren't any witnesses besides his future son in law. Who also happens to be my ex.

We won without Liam. Rich is going away for 4 years. It wasn't a long time, but at least he's actually getting a sentencing. The thing is, Liam's fiancé hates me now. And i found out we attend the same school. I'm brought out of my thoughts when i hear the doorbell go off. I rise from my seat on the couch and walk to the front door with Cam scampering behind me. My hand unlocks the door and twists the knob open with ease, revealing, unsurprisingly, Mr. Styles.

I smile at the sight of him.

"Hey." I step aside to let him in.

"Hey, I was checking up on you to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine, thanks."

"That's good. Most people would be shook up after something like that."

I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. "I know, but i can't help but feel like it was my fault."

He frowns. "Hey, look at me." His hand tilts my chin up to face him.

"It was in no way, shape or form, your fault."

"I know but-"

"No, buts. Repeat after me, 'It isn't my fault."

"It isn't my fault." He smiles and pulls me in for a tight hug. "You're so strong."

"Thank you." I whisper and nuzzle my face into his chest. I loved the scent of him. It was so-him.

I feel his lips place a gentle kiss to the top of my head before we pull away and gaze into each other's eyes. "So-i've been thinking. I want to take you out to do something fun."

My eyes brighten at his words. We haven't hung out anywhere else but my house. "Really? Like where?"

He nods. "I have a cabin upstate. Well-it's mine and my friend's. We both own it. I was thinking of taking you up there for a week or so, to take your mind off of things. Nothing like crisp air and drinking hot apple cider while cuddling up next to the fire-place."

I smile at the thought of it. "I would love to. I'll ask my mom."

With that, he places a single kiss on my lips. "When are we gonna go?"

"Next week or maybe sooner."

"The sooner the better. I need to get away from all the threats i've been getting from Nadine."

"Wait- she's been threatening you?"

I nod. "Show me, baby."

I pull out my phone and open up the messages to show him. His eyes skim through the threats, a deep scowl imprinted on his face. "Is she kidding? She's defending her father for touching you inappropriately?" I wince at his words.

He notices and apologizes. "I'm gonna have a talk with this young lady. This is unacceptable-"

"No, it's fine, please don't-"

"Darling, It is absolutely not fine. 'I'm gonna burn down your house' is not fine."

I sigh in defeat. "It's not fine, but please don't talk to her."

"I won't."

"I mean it."

"So do I."

He takes my hand and presses a kiss to it while making eye-contact, causing me to blush madly. I honestly couldn't wait to get out of this place and have some alone time with Mr. Styles. Something tells me i'm not just in for apple cider and cuddling. And i wouldn't change anything about it.

Filler but it gets more action next chapter. THANKS FOR READING!

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