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*Mature Content*


Hot, humid, and mosquito infestations. But that also means no school. Summers almost over and i'm not ready to go back to school yet. I enjoyed spending long days in air conditioning and messing around with Mr. Styles.

Today was the day i attend Nicki's family party. I glance over the text she had sent last week, explaining to dress really formal and that she'll pick me up to drive us there. My mother had returned two days ago, looking a bit less gloomy than from when she left.

Going through my closet for a formal dress is always a nightmare. My dresses are all casual or skimpy. But after a while of searching, i found my white dress. My grandmother purchased it for me when i visited Italy with my mom last year, but of course, it was all too simple for me. My mother obviously didn't approve of my decision to spray paint the bottom of the skirt black. 'It's made in Italy, your grandma worked hard to pay for that dress.' I can still hear those annoying complaints at the back of my head.

I didn't care whether or not she approved of it, i liked it

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I didn't care whether or not she approved of it, i liked it. My clothes are on the floor in an instant as i squeeze into the dress. It still fits, i think to myself, zipping it up with ease. I snap a quick picture to Nicki and ask for her approval.

N: That dress is so pretty!

J:Thanks boo. :)

N: No problem. I'm picking you up at 5:30. Be ready by then.

It was already 4:40. I took the dress off and took a quick shower, wrapping my hair and body in a towel before sitting down at my mirror. My make-up is done in under 20 minutes. So i move on to drying and curling the ends of my hair before slipping the dress back on.

The moment i'm about to zip up my dress, someone knocks at my door. "Come in!" I shout, trying to zip it up, struggling a bit this time.

"Hey." It's Mr. Styles. "Where are you going dressed this beautiful?" He smiled. I blush at his words.

"Thanks. I'm going to a friend's party. Can you help me zip this dress up? I'm having some trouble."

He nods and moves behind me, zipping it up and running his hands down my back and around my waist, pulling me closer. "God, you look so beautiful. It's so hard to even understand self control when i'm around you, baby." He growls into my ear seductively. "Let me touch you, yeah? I need to touch you."

I nod feverishly, letting the want and raging lust get to me. "I don't have a lot of time."

"I can make it quick." He winks and slides his hand up my thighs, kissing my neck. "Wait. The door."

"One step ahead of you. I locked it."

I nod as he continues to assault my neck and inch his hand higher up my thigh, agonizingly slow, teasing me.

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