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The room was silent aside from the sound of scribbling and papers shuffling. My eyes carefully skim through the job listings. After a certain phone call from my grandmother last week about responsibility and adult hood, i decided to finally search for a job.

My eyes begin to droop from my lack of sleep when a listing catches my eye. "Delivery guy needed. Anthony's Pizza Place." I quickly circled it and reached for my phone to call up the place.

I bring my phone up to my ear. Someone answering after a few rings, "Anthony's, how may i help you."

"Hi. I was calling to ask about your job offer for a delivery person."

"Yes, i'll get my boss on the phone. One sec-" i sighed to myself as i waited a minute before another voice comes through the other end, "hello?"

"Hi. I wanted to know more about the delivery job."

"Yes, yes. The deliveries are never really too far from the parlor. So the pizza don't get cold before it reaches it's destination. We pay $5.50 an hour. And we pay for gas."

"Uh-" wow, $5.50 an hour isn't even minimum wage. But i guess it's fair if they're paying for gas, and i really don't have many options. "I'll do it."

"Great! Come in tomorrow at 10AM so my guy here can show you the ropes. Can i get your name?" His thick accent throwing me off.

"Yeah, my name is Juliet Marin."

"Alright, Juliet. I'll see youse tomorrow. Good day." And he cuts the line.

"Take that, grandma." I murmur even though she can't hear me.
"Ahh, you must be the lovely Juliet." A large man in a suit greets me, patting my shoulder harshly. The scent of pizza and garlic knots fill the air, instantly making my mouth water.

I nod.

"Follow me. We've got a pizza comin' outta the oven soon and we need you to be ready by then to make the delivery. Now please fill this out."

After i did all that was necessary for the job, i was asked to change into a uniform and to deliver a pizza. Simple. I was told my first paycheck would be given the following week and if i did my job right, I might even get a raise. With the pizza hot in my hands, i carefully walk outside to my car, paying close attention to my balance.

I open the side door and place the pizza in carefully but quickly. 'Time is of the essence.'

My eyes quickly skim over the receipt to check the address before starting the car. I quickly type in the address into my car's GPS. The car came to a stop after around 10 minutes of driving. I got out of the car along with the pizza and receipt, taking in the beautiful house before me. I clear my throat and reach for the doorbell, pressing once and then retracting my hand.

A few moments pass, voices could be heard from within before the door finally swings open. My eyes widen at the man who answers. Mr. Styles. He appears to be just as shocked as i am. "Uh-hi? Pizza?" I stutter.

Just as he is about to answer, a tall, beautiful woman emerges, her face appearing to be make-up free yet flawless, and a silky mop of golden locks frames her face. "How much is it?" She asks, placing her hands on top of his shoulder and leaning her chin against them. For some reason, anger rolls through my body. I felt betrayed that he was with someone else. "13.60," i say through gritted teeth.

She hands me a twenty dollar bill, telling me to 'keep the change' before taking the pizza, kissing him on the cheek and slamming the door in my face. Tears roll into my eyes. They stream down my face as i walk away from the house. All those intimate moments we shared together, suddenly meant nothing-I was nothing next to that woman.

I finished my 5 hour shift, that went by tantalizingly slow and drove back home. The skies had begun growing dark. I called my mother and had a lovely chat, explaining my day of easily finding a job, also telling her how much i missed her and how i couldn't wait for her return.

We exchange good-byes when i tell her that i reek of garlic and pizza and that i need to take a shower. It's just what i need, a nice hot shower, or bath...so i can drown in my pool of unsettling thoughts.

But i first pour a bit of dog food and water for Cam, giving him a quick behind-the-ear-scratch and hug. I felt so empty, seeing him with another woman. I felt so stupid for letting him do those things to me, and i felt even more stupid when i thought i had feelings for him.

My tired feet climb up the steps into the bathroom, where i slam the door shut and strip down out of my work clothes. I twist the knobs to turn on the faucet, running my hand under it to test the temperature. I blankly stared at the water filling up the tub, letting it reach about halfway before shutting off the faucet and slowly submerging myself into it. The warm water making my eyes shut, my head tilt back, my teeth capture my bottom lip at the feeling as i sit down on the porcelain tub.

My eyes stay closed at how relaxing the water is. I reach over and grab the small bottle of oil, uncapping it and dripping a few drops into the water, the scent making me feel high, which reminds me. I step out of the tub, quickly waddling over to the vent on the wall. I pull the white cover off after unscrewing the bolts on the corners, revealing my stash. Never have i thought i'd turn to this again. What would my mother think?

I take the 'altoid' container out, replacing the vent cover and quickly returning to the warmth if my tub. The tin box sits neatly on the edge of the smooth porcelain, awaiting to be opened. I admit, i was a bit nervous. I hadn't smoked a joint in almost two years...what a shame such a long term of being sober must come to an end. I had worked so hard to get to where i was, only to let some man that lived next door break it all down. He didn't like me back, and i don't think he ever will.

There was a pathetic pit in my heart. Deep down, i knew i began feeling things for this man. Not just the physical touch, but he had managed to creep his way into my heart. Never have i ever met a man so sweet and gentle, yet so cold and heartless. I couldn't help but feel used-kind of. He wanted to touch me and i let him. Without anymore second thoughts, i reach over to the tin box, flipping the cover off, revealing a small bag of weed, some paper, and my dad's lighter and a cigarette i managed to steal a while back.

I roll up the weed in the paper, licking the end to ensure it won't unroll. Bringing it up to my lips, i light it and suck at the same time, inhaling the toxic air i once craved, holding it for a few seconds before exhaling. The scent immediately fills the room.

I was in a state of complete relaxation. My right hand rubs my left arm, feeling goosebumps rise at my feather-light touch. My mind begins running, i almost feel two large hands run along my shoulders, rubbing, squeezing. "That feel good?" A voice asks. I nod eagerly, enjoying the amazing sensation, a grin spreading across my face as i take a second drag.

My hand mindlessly begins to run down my body, in between my legs when a loud bell goes off, breaking me out of my strange trance. The doorbell. I groan in frustration, "Who the hell is it now? Why can't i have one moment to relax?" I put out the joint on the empty soap dish before istep out of my tub, my relaxation fading away, being replaced with anger.

I quickly wrap my torso with my fuzzy towel before running down the steps, careful enough not to slip. I could care less if i was half naked right now. My hand reaches for the doorknob, swinging the door open, revealing...Mr. Styles?

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