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Harry's POV

For most regular men my age, they would have children or at least be married and happy. But i'm still single and lonely. I've had more partners then i can even remember. Yet, it seems none of them stay, not that i really mind. I still have time to find a wife. But what i really want is a child. I'm gonna be too old soon. Too old to find someone to give me a baby.

Maybe Juliet would give me a baby. Her mother would murder me with an axe if i got her pregnant. Maybe i could get her to run away with me. Ridiculous, i know. But she's naive enough to do as i say. She loves me too much to say no. I take another drag of my cigarette, feeling the cool breeze flow around me. I continued thinking about other options as i leaned against the balcony railing. 

Without another thought, i pull out my phone from my sweat pants, holding the cigarette between my lips as i scroll through my contacts. I could go for a good fuck right about now. I tap the contact Carrie and send her a text telling her to come over. I honestly don't even know who she really is. She handed me her number on a napkin when i went to get a coffee. She's too easy, but pussy is pussy. I take another drag before putting it out in the ash tray on the table beside me. I receive a text from her. 

"Be over in ten ;)"

Too easy, I smirk and stroll back into my room.

Juliet's POV

"Girl, you can do so much better." Luke said to me as he stuff another chicken fry in his mouth.

"I mean, i guess." I was beginning to feel a bit unamused at his constant nagging all night. He kept telling me Harry was using me and i shouldn't be so blind. 

"I know i'm not telling you what you want to hear but it's the truth. You deserve better. As hot as he may be, he's no good for you."

Why was he making sense? Why was he right about me not hearing what i want to hear?

"You're right." I say and take a sip of the large soda we were sharing.

"Jules-" he calls.

I look up, giving him my attention. "Yeah?" My voice cracking at the thought of Luke being right. Harry hasn't shown much affection lately. And by affection, i don't mean the sex. He never kisses me anymore. I don't even get a hug. 

"You okay?" I shake my head and pout. 

"Aww princess, don't be sad, you still have me." He reaches across the table and brushes a strand of hair out of my face.

"I know. I just met you but it feels like you're my best friend already."

"I am your best friend." He smiles proudly.

I flash a smile as I feed him an onion ring.


"So this is my place. Sorry for the mess, i wasn't expecting visitors." I glance around Luke's apartment. The overall theme is blue walls, dark ikea furniture, and family photos decorating most of the area. 

"You can leave your sweater on the coat rack if you want." He says and plops down onto the large couch, resting his feet on the coffee table. I do as he suggests and slide my black sweater off my shoulders, hanging it onto the coat rack, struggling a bit since i'm not a very tall person.

"Come watch some TV and cuddle me." He pouts and holds his arms open as i approach the dimly lit living room. I chuckle and sit close to him and allow his long arms to wrap around me. I wish Harry were this loving.

"What's with the long face? You don't like this show?" I shake my head. 

"No, it's just...I wish Harry were this affectionate. Lately all he's been asking for is sex."

"Listen, if that man doesn't treat you like the princess you are, leave him. Stop giving yourself to him." Luke gazes into my eyes and wipes away a tear that managed to escape my eye. 

"I'm so stupid for believing him. I'm so stupid for giving my virginity to him. I wish things were different." I begin sobbing into his chest. His hand gently rubs my back, attempting to calm me down. 

"You should confront him. Ask him what the fuck is his problem." I nod and snuggle further into him, feeling myself get more and more tired as time passes on.


I awake the next morning in Luke's apartment. My head is propped up high on the mound of pillows he keeps on his couch. The muscles in my neck feel sore. I groan as i sit up and attempt to gather myself. I noticed Luke was gone. I remember falling asleep in his arms last night. 

I reach over to the coffee table ad retrieve my phone. My eyes widen at how many missed calls i received, mostly from my mom and a few from Harry. I immediately call my mom, informing her i crashed at Nicki's place. "We also need to go shopping for school supplies. Come home soon, i miss you baby." My mom says on the other side of the line.

"Ok, i'll be back home in a few hours." And with that i hang up and check my text messages. I scroll through all the unopened messages, a few from unknown numbers, a few from people trying to reconnect from school and a few from Harry. 

Where are you? Come over, baby.

My fingers tap away, responding with the same answer i gave my mother. 

Can't. I'm busy.

"Hey, you're up." I hear Luke say behind me. He approaches and places two mugs of coffee onto the table. 

"Yeah, thanks for the coffee." I smile and lightly pinch his cheek. 

"I have to go soon, but you can stay here if you want. My mum doesn't come home until Saturday."

"Oh, that's really sweet but i have to go home soon. My mom wants to take me shopping for school supplies." I roll my eyes and take a sip of the creamy coffee.

"Ew, school." He says with genuine disgust laced in his voice, making me lightly chuckle.

"I hate school. I can already sense the drama and bullshit coming my way." I say and he cocks his head to the side in confusion.

"You don't seem like the kind of girl who gets into trouble or anything."

"I'm not, but, long story short, i went to a friend's party and her dad tried to assault me. My mom sued him and her dad got time. And i have a feeling she didn't take that too lightly."

"Woah. He got what he deserved. He's a sick bastard."

"Tell me about it. But i'm worried she's gonna try something."

"Don't worry, i'll protect you." 

Sorry it's so short. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading. <3 

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