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"Harry. Open the door, I know you're home!" I shout as my fist pounds on the door. I sounded like a crazy ex-girlfriend trying to get his attention.

"Harry-" I shouted again before the door swung open, revealing a shirtless, sleepy looking man.

"What do you want? I have guests over." He snarled.

"You always walk around half-naked with guests around?" I snap back, still annoyed he made me wait at the door for 5 whole minutes.

"I'm going to slam this door in your face."

"I don't think you want to do that."

"I think i do. What are you even doing here? You broke up with ME. Remember that?"


"Well?!" His eyes are wide and frightening. He hates me.

"You won't even let me get a single sentence out without bickering over the smallest things. I have something important to tell you, you would know if you read my messages." I cross my arms over my chest, looking down at my feet with sad eyes. A few weeks ago, I felt we were fine and happy. Now...I don't know what changed.

"I read them. I just didn't have time to respond."

"It takes ten fucking seconds to send a text. Do you really hate me that much?" I could hardly get out the last word without tearing up a bit. I try my best to hide my heartbreak.

"I'm a busy guy. So are you going to tell me the important news or are you going to continue wasting my time?"

"I'm pregnant." 

He stares at me for a good minute before bursting out laughing.

"No way that's mine-even if you are pregnant."

"It is, you're the only one I've ever...been with."

"Well, that's a load of shit. I used a condom."

"It must've broke or maybe you forgot one time..."

"It's not mine. Stop fucking with me, Juliet."

"Why would I go through all this trouble just to 'fuck with you'?"

He stands there, seemingly replaying the last few weeks we were together-piecing together the events to make sure they all fit right.

"Shit." He mutters under his breath. Harry runs his hand through his hair, letting out a frustrated groan.

"Are you sure? You swear on your life, there were no other guys?"

"I swear, I wouldn't lie to you, Harry."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! I don't even know what to say, I mean I want to have kid but, I didn't think anything through-"

"Wait, what do you mean? What are you saying?"

"I wasn't thinking when I forgot the condom. I didn't think you would actually get pregnant."

He has to be fucking kidding. He was trying to get me knocked up.

"Do you have any idea how fucked this is? It's bad enough I'm fucking pregnant at 16, but you MEANT to get me pregnant. You're fucking sick." I blurted out in utter disbelief. 

Shaking my head in anger, I begin walking home, Harry not even bothering to try and stop me and apologize.

I don't know what I was expecting.

Hiiiiii sorry its been mad long but its grind time at school ya knowww. There are like 2 chapters left. Thanks for reading, it means a lot :) I'll try to update soon. Take care <3

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